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Everything posted by rico6

  1. I like Sam, but god damn that Warpanthers dweeb needs to chillax on the wine coolers
  2. If Rhule’s gonna coddle my man Sam, it’s time to do it and sit him.
  3. Zone picks are fuging ugly to watch in slowmo that was just.. awful
  4. I would as well, despite the only retards saying this poo are the main folk who have shat on Newton for years. It’s literally the baby goat crowd.
  5. But but but QBs taking sacks leads to non detrimental results. dumb dicks
  6. Gipetto has shat on Newton for years my man Edit— simple post search should give you a clear idea, “pal”
  7. I prefer the QB not to be hit. You lot are under the belief he was being sacked onto a bed of roses. Get rid of the ball and live to see another day.
  8. Yes please explain the logic of taking a sack there and literally no other viable option. Please do so. With the way injuries are piling up “taking a sack” could be THE WORST thing to do. But hey, you go off Everfrost.
  9. I mean playing hypothetical bingo, Sam gets sacked and break his arm? I mean it’s fuging dumb logic.
  10. This forum can’t wait to get Cam Newton erased from its archives lmfao. fuging weird poo you lot got going on. Sam is a good QB. Be happy for him.
  11. Sam fits Brady’s O to the T. Makes you wonder why they wasted time w/Bridgewater. poor optics for sure
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