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  1. https://x.com/rapsheet/status/1864024918632862096?s=46&t=xeIgh_-Vr2aKxBkBJdfnKA
  2. https://x.com/rapsheet/status/1864031694619079158?s=46&t=xeIgh_-Vr2aKxBkBJdfnKA
  3. Evero is doing the best with what he has but we have no D-line depth. The starting 3 wear down and there is no quality depth behind them.
  4. We're gonna add Miles Sanders and possibly Dane Jackson dead cap to that $1.9 mil number once they're released this offseason but yeah, agree he's done a nice job so far.
  5. So all of a sudden everyone on here loves PFF now? you damn hypocrites I'm disgusted
  6. He's only seeing the field due to all the injuries at the TE position but he's actually a terrific special teams guy I believe he has 9 or 10 special teams tackles.
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