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Everything posted by Captroop

  1. ERRONEOUS! Power Rangers was an important part of American culture. It single-handedly introduced the children of Generation-Y to racism! The yellow ranger was Asian, the Black Ranger was Black, and the badass-est ranger was white!

  2. Agreed Pantha-San. The most underrated Sci-Fi flick EVAR!

  3. I have to ask, what's with the Vader Helmet. And don't lie, you totally swaggerjacked my style of superimposing a random helmet on a Panther. I'm flattered

  4. Thanks, I was pretty proud of that as well.

  5. Vader_choke.JPG I find your lack of Ass disturbing
  6. Yeah, but I'm to lazy to fix it. I'll have to find a new one soon.

  7. Oh, pfft. He was only in one episode. Still the track record of child stars seems to be continually spiralling downward. This one's on death row. www.dcourier.com is the website for the Prescott Daily Courier Newspaper. Deleon was sentenced to death today, April 10, 2009. The couple Deleon murdered had lived in Prescott, AZ, and were selling the boat to move back to be closer to their grandchildren.

  8. Original cast member? I bet it was Billy. I can see him strangling some hookers

  9. That gif is so full of win. My new sig; sorry Jack Black

  10. Thank you, I'm glad you approve. I figured it would have to be spectacular in order to pop my sig cherry.

  11. p.s. thanks for bringin' the ass back

  12. Your new sig is 80's-licious, it's bleach-blonde-errific, it's sunglass-tacular; there aren't enough words to make up to express its greatness. Suffice it to say, it's the first time I haven't missed the ass in your sigs I wish we had rep back. I owe you.

  13. I see you took "F**k the Defense" out of your sig. I knew you'd come around.

  14. p.s. glad I could remind you of the good ole' days (aka the 1990s). Expect a new Avi for the start of the regular season

  15. It's pronounced "Cat Poop" because when I was using Captroop as my handle for Halo in college, that's how my smack-talking roommates pronounced it. I've come to adore it.

  16. S'all right. Water under the bridge. Welcome

  17. You neg-repped me for comparing you to Mark Twain? I don't know if you've taken English 101, but comparing someone to one of the great styles in American literature is usually considered a complement. Second, don't neg rep someone just for disagreeing with you (which I will restate, was not the case here), it's just not cricket.

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