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Rocky Davis

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Everything posted by Rocky Davis

  1. Funny thing about watching the fumble recovery by Burns - the only reason he was there to recover it was because he was being blocked out of the play. I will die on the hill that Burns absolutely sucks as a run defender and doesn't deserve top EDGE $.
  2. Simple jet sweep....it worked! Where has this been all season??
  3. I was NOT saying he was THE TARGET - I was saying if Mingo and Young had any kind of chemistry whatsoever and Mingo was coached better and had experience that there *may* have been a chance at a completion there..... there isn't any of the above and yeah Young threw it away.
  4. Young has no chemistry with Mingo at all....if Mingo would have come back with speed instead of just running his route and then kind of looking around like "what do I do next" maybe there would have been some opportunity. Instead the whole play look stupid... Who is coaching the receivers?
  5. Awesome creativity...... it might would work if we had an offensive line worth a damn!
  6. Yeah, I know football and basketball players "tough it out" by wearing protective flak jackets for their ribs along with numbing injections but they still have pain and have a really hard time breathing. Svech and hockey players are in a very different world as they'll get checked and hit in the ribs so much they wouldn't be able to stand it. Add in the fact that your cardio has to be so much better in hockey there's just no way I see Svech being back anytime soon. I heard it is multiple ribs with non-displaced and displaced fractures. The displaced fractures are the worst, but the non-displaced are nothing to sneeze at. I do believe they use bone stimulation (magnetic coils) to help heal these fractures for pro athletes so I am sure he has the best care possible.
  7. I support this, let's see what Dalton can do the last 4 games against the #11, 19, 24, and 27 rated defenses in the NFL. (Seattle is 28th) I am not saying Bryce has played against the best defenses in all his starts, but the Falcons game could be a good comparison. The Packers defense has been playing better, but who knows which team shows up. Anyways, I agree with the majority - Dalton needs to play and BY needs to sit and see how things go.
  8. Broken ribs are a pain in the arse and the pain radiates up and down that side of your body. That was a nasty, hard cross check he took. I don't think surgery, but multiple broken ribs take time to heal....it sucks for Svech and us.
  9. Doubtful, heard he had a really good dinner with the Panther's front office/brain trust. /s
  10. Yeah, everyone knew Tua was the real deal from the very start of his career....he didn't have any poor play or concerns.
  11. I also think those 4 QBs have better receivers and coaches who have helped make things easier. The Giants don't have a great o-line, but they are giving DeVito more time than Bryce usually has....also I don't know if we have a receiver other than Thielen that makes the catch the Giants receiver did in the tweet.
  12. do you consider TB12 a legend, maybe the GOAT?? He got outta New England when it was clear he wasn't going to have any good weapons to throw the ball to and wound up in Tampa Bay with Mike Evans, Godwin & Co.
  13. I believe the Giants coaches have done a much better job for DeVito and dumbing down everything as much as possible while still using motion, Barkley, a TE (Waller who is good when healthy) and at least 1 maybe 2 receivers that would probably be our WR1 and WR2.
  14. How fast do you think you could process your progressions with our o-line and receivers who don't have great separation/space generation? Play your first professional games having less than 3 seconds to process (terrible) routes and spacing and see if it messes with your psyche. BY and the Panthers need a hard reboot. It sucks, but it's where we've been driven to.
  15. We'll know more about BY as the season winds down and how he treats this offseason. He has never slacked as far as working to get better during the spring/summers and worked under Adam Dedeaux 2 years in a row (along with Stroud this past summer). I am sure if he works with Dedeaux again his footwork will be a focal point. I think he'll work on his strength, conditioning, and agility more this offseason too. I am with Shocker on BY, he has stayed positive in public and hasn't once pointed any kind of blame on the coaches/teammates/etc. He has the traits to be a good leader, I won't pass judgement until he has an offensive line, receivers/TEs, and a coaching staff who will build around his strengths. That's what's been so frustrating for me - all star coaching staff doesn't have the combined intelligence to design an offensive system that fits your QB and the personnel you have; no...keep trying to push that square through the round hole you dummies.
  16. Agreed, we take waaaay too many shots from outside that get blocked a/o deflected before they get to the net. Even if they do get to the net we don't have anyone parked there like there needs to be if that's going to be our game plan. Also, if you do finally park someone in front of the net they have to have good hands i.e. not Staal or Marty....Bunting can locate, pick the puck up, and place a rebound as good as anyone I've seen on the Canes this year. Maybe Noesen too??
  17. Pesce has the flu/covid. Svech's ribs/sternum and shoulder are all being looked at due to ongoing pain. (Not great to hear)
  18. Has the offense even practiced throwing the ball downfield all year? It doesn't look like it as far as timing and Young being able to drop the ball in....
  19. We may be going to sign up for tee times in early March actually......
  20. Regarding Staal and Burns...it's one of two things: either they have been advised to save some of themselves for the postseason (of course we have to make it there first) -or- Father Time has come bearing fruit baskets and plentiful meats (for Burnsy).
  21. It's like the Canes have been paid off by Tepper to play bad this season. Necas cannot be traded for peanuts and although he hasn't looked good this season this would be a knee-jerk reaction. He may be pressing trying to play for his next contract, but he's better than this.... I am not sure what's going on with this team. We know goalie is a huge issue, but something else is off. Our "window" is down to being slightly cracked open for a gentle breeze right now.
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