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DeAngelo Beason

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Everything posted by DeAngelo Beason

  1. Bryce sucks and Stroud is a phenom. We picked the wrong guy. Just deal with it and hope our guy grows a brain in the offseason.
  2. Well, he plays like he's a moron, so I would agree he's probably not a super processor cerebral mega genius.
  3. Eagles have always been my second favorite team... neck and neck with the Bills. I also find myself consistently cheering for Mahomes. I just love watching the guy play. It'll be a less disastrous season for me as long as another NFC South team or the Cowboys don't win it all.
  4. I think this may end up being the worst loss in team history. Young, or any QB we send out there for that matter, is a dead man walking.
  5. No. He simply lacks the basic physical and mental tools to play professional football.
  6. When he's not under pressure he still sucks and makes horrible decisions.
  7. Hard for me to say it's coaching. There's almost no doubt that this team would have a winning record if Andy Dalton were the starter. Bryce Young is trash and they're riding that ship to the bottom of the sea. If Reich is smart he will put Dalton in at some point to show that a QB with half a brain can win games in this system.
  8. Pickles is worse, but Pickles wasn't the #1 pick. If we're talking about a weighted score Bryce is, by far, the more disappointing of the two.
  9. Bryce had like 50% completion from a clean pocket. Stop using the o-line as an excuse. This dude is absolute trash.
  10. No, he just throws interceptions and overthrows open receivers left and right.
  11. Exactly. Bryce has MADE US the worst team in the league.
  12. He's brought us back to the Clausen days. One of the worst qbs I've ever laid eyes on.
  13. Happens every year. He damn sure didn't fool me, and I'm not a talent evaluator. He looked like a gimmicky, gadget player in college. He doesn't have any elite characteristics. I felt he had bust written all over him... and here we are. Houston probably paid someone to leak the BS story about the S2 score to make Bryce look even better. They played chess while we played checkers.
  14. People are desperately trying to let Bryce Young off the hook for being a complete fraud. He is single handedly losing games. The team might have an even or possibly winning record if they'd just put Dalton in.
  15. What the Panthers accomplished under Ron Rivera cannot be understated. The idea that a franchise as utterly pathetic and floundering as ours was able to go 15-1 and produce an MVP QB is absolutely mind-boggling.
  16. Howell is *light years* better than Bryce Young. I actually am not sure that Bryce Young is better than any team's backup QB, including our own.
  17. There is not a single aspect of his game that I find to be NFL level, and I had the same opinion of him at Alabama. Total disaster.
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