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DeAngelo Beason

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Everything posted by DeAngelo Beason

  1. The GOAT at paying players before you were allowed to.
  2. I'm not going to concede that Clausen was worse.
  3. He flashed absolutely nothing at all this entire season. He murdered this franchise.
  4. Hands down the absolute worst season in franchise history.
  5. I wouldn't say the Chiefs offense is worse. The receivers just can't catch the ball. Schematically people are getting open. Mahomes could easily have 5 or 6 more TDs and another 300 - 500 yards passing on the season if his receivers could just catch the ball.
  6. I'll go on record saying I don't find Ben Johnson to be compelling at all. I want Bill with McDaniels as OC.
  7. I think it is a huge stretch at this juncture to categorize Bryce Young as "on the rise."
  8. First time he's shown the ability to play at the pro level. Hope we see a lot more of that.
  9. I'm team Belichick (coach only, no gm authority) with McDaniels as OC.
  10. He duped a bunch of yall too. Can't count the number of times I read "if he was 6'2" no one would doubt him as #1"
  11. A really good QB is likely to fall. That's what we need.
  12. With a competent GM handling the roster Bill is still the greatest mind the NFL has seen. The opportunity would be perfect to bring Bill and McDaniels over. We all know McDaniels is a brilliant OC. He's just an absolutely terrible HC. This might be a better scenario than you think.
  13. I've been saying for a long time they needed to get TC out of Spartanburg and the blazing heat. If I remember correctly, those practice fields are indoors. I have long theorized that one of the reasons we suffer early season injuries more than just about any team in the league is the outdoor training camp in the heat. Players can't push themselves as hard in that level of heat, meaning they don't limber up as much in preparation for the season. Mark my words, early season injuries will be down next year. I'd bet anything on it.
  14. Well, when he ignores every single question the media asks him about whether or not he wants to remain a Panther, he pretty much is outing himself as a self-centered douchface.
  15. It was actually this season. Even when we took Young over Stroud I felt that this team was ready to win. I still believe it is ready to win. I think Young is just so ungodly terrible that they have no chance.
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