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DeAngelo Beason

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Everything posted by DeAngelo Beason

  1. For all the talk about what a sh*tty GM Hurney was around these boards and how he was too loyal to RBs and overpaid RBs, you'd think they would get this, but they don't.
  2. I mentioned in a separate comment that my statement had nothing to do with masks. Not sure how that was gleaned from what I said. Regardless, I agree with wearing masks. I disagree with your assessment that there is not mass hysteria. It still absolutely dominates the headlines and dominates every single form of social media. It's absolutely dominating the entirety of American life in general, as a matter of fact.
  3. I absolutely agree with you. I wasn't really directing my comments at you, just at the thread in general, which obviously is a bit hysteric considering it's at a whopping 370+ pages now. People need to mask up. Stop being hard-headed. The internet hates it when people say they're libertarian, but my gun toting, don't-tread-on-me, God-loving, taxation-is-theft, libertarian ass is wearing a mask, and everyone else needs to as well. Our liberties end where they begin to affect the liberties of others. WEAR. A. MASK.
  4. I have it. Virtually no symptoms aside from a little nausea and sore throat. Only reason I decided to get a test was out of an abundance of caution before visiting my mother, which I was wise to do, as I certainly wouldn't want her to be infected. That being said, it is literally the most vanilla illness I've ever had in my life. Now my own body's response is not indicative of everyone's, but I do know that the overwhelming majority of people who have it or have gotten it share my experience. I would suggest putting the brakes on the hysteria. Humans have battled with viruses for millions of years. We'll beat this one the same way we've beaten all others... by allowing ourselves to develop immunity to it. Believe it or not, the rapid rise in cases is accompanied by a drastic fall off in number of deaths... That's because the people who NEED to get infected ARE getting infected, which are the young and healthy.
  5. Oh God... not here too.. Coronavirus has already been mentioned 1.1 billion times (literally) by the media. I've heard enough.
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