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DeAngelo Beason

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About DeAngelo Beason

  • Birthday 08/20/1987

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  1. As a non-member of the rivalry, I've noticed the exact opposite. My friends and I have along called the Tarheels the Dallas Cowboys of college basketball. It's maddening.
  2. This team is way too horrible to have any kind of opinion on him. I don't think there can be any real judgement until we have a real QB, and a defense that isn't utterly decimated with injuries.
  3. A rare win for the Panthers in a trade, though I will stand by what I've always felt about Mingo. He's got potential that this team simply could not harness.
  4. It's not just the worst Panthers team ever... It's the worst team ever. Yes, I know there have been teams that went a whole season without a win, but we are on pace to have the worst defense in the history of the game.
  5. Any QB brought to this team right now is going to be destroyed. They need to trade down and build up a supporting cast. The defense is so terrible right now we have to win shootouts, and while I think our offense can be relatively decent, it's in no way, shape, or form built to win any kind of high-scoring affair.
  6. Well, it's gotten us to two superbowls and quite a few playoff berths. Things have gone to hell in a handbasket ever since we started hiring these supposed offensive gurus.
  7. At no point did I suggest there was a plethora of talent on this team.... We are bad for a reason. We do have exactly what you said, which is a few guys that could probably net a 3rd rounder or better. Not sure why you went off into left field with what I said?
  8. The proper way to approach this rebuild is to trade off any player that can net you a 3rd round or higher draft pick (except good o linemen and the one or two good d lineman we have), then do your best to trade out of the incoming #1 pick to try to get some additional draft capital. Basically try to do to someone else what the Bears did to us. Draft best player available in every round. When you're this bad you just have to. Hopefully the BPA is D-line heavy and we can convert to 4-3 so we can focus on sideline-to-sideline players at LB. The team has to be rebuilt from the trenches.
  9. Yeah. I've been on one for 4 years. I've been a quiet Chiefs fan during that time.
  10. We need... and believe me it pains me to say this.... a defense-minded coach. For whatever reason they are just way, way better at these rebuild projects.
  11. The offense is a little better than I thought it'd be, but only because Bryce is sitting on the bench. Other than that things are exactly as I expected. We are terrible.
  12. He's playing well so long as Bryce Young doesn't keep running for his life directly into the guy that he's blocking when there is no pressure.
  13. I have the exact plan that would work to perfection: Remainder of this season: Tank for a high pick, trade Bryce for whatever we can get, roll with Dalton. Extend current playmakers asap. No one on the team that's really worth a bank breaking sum except potentially Diontae, so they should focus on him asap. Offseason: Trade the high pick for a package of other picks, use picks to rebuild the defensive line. 2025 season: Tank again. #1 pick. Go get the franchise QB. Potentially could trade down a few spots and still get a franchise QB plus fill in some inevitable roster spots. There is no path to success for this team this season or next season, so we need to embrace the suck and take full advantage of it.
  14. This is every year with the Panthers and will never end until training camp is moved indoors.
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