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Everything posted by Eclipse

  1. I see we dip into Jacksonville's talent pool once again.
  2. We already had "Lazer eyes" and it didn't help.
  3. I hoped eventually that we would see him impact the game in the same minor as he did his rookie year, but it never transpired. Disappointed. We can't see it now since Chinn-chilla will no longer be in the building.
  4. (Tepper) Hey guys, do I get street cred? (Smith-Marsette) The heck should I know?
  5. It has been a while and I'm hungry
  6. Dave Tepper imagining Bryce Young as a NFL point guard.
  7. Med-dling! Own-er! clap clap clap clap clap Med-dling! Own-er! clap clap clap clap clap It could be just a perception that he is meddling too much. Maybe hearing the crowd chant this will let him know that there is a perception that he is meddling to the detriment of team success and back away.
  8. This forum allow us a place to vent in times of joy and in times of pain. There have been times seeing other people veiwpoints here caused me to rethink my own opinion.
  9. It would be our luck to have him get in playing condition just to have another team poach him. Never seeing what he could accomplish here.
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