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Posts posted by Pazhoosier89

  1. Did anybody else here have to listen to the awful Washington color commentary with the game on NFL network? I think his name was Doc and he acted like the game was the Super Bowl. He got so upset when the Panthers would score or make a good play.  I found myself rooting for big play just so he would get pissed.

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  2. 33 minutes ago, Call Me James said:

    I think Baker will do well here. He shaved his contract so he's probably got a gentlemans agreement that if he does well this season we will give him the big bag.


    He's getting paid the same as Sam. The Panthers are paying 5 mil and Cleveland pays the rest. He isn't giving us some kind of discount. 

  3. 9 hours ago, MHS831 said:

    No offense because I am with you for an OT---but we going QB unless we make a splash in week 3 of free agency

    Mayfield and Jimmy G are out there and there trade value is dropping like a rock. We may be able to get one for0 Darnold straight up or a 7th round pick.Panthers are being smart waiting them out. I would prefer Mayfield of the 2.

  4. 13 minutes ago, 45catfan said:

    There are much better quality Christian schools, BYU for instance.  Again, he may of had his personal reasons for going to Liberty, but they are not name brand school no matter how hard you try to make them relevant.  Yes, small schools play big schools all the time because they get payed well to do so...even at the price of embarrassment.  I get you're a Willis fan, but he's not that good and hyping up his school to make him look better is a little odd.

    BYU is a Mormon school. Big difference between Mormon and Christian.  Technically Baylor is a Christian school so maybe he should have wwnt and played for Rhule.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Khyber53 said:

    And there's the rub... even getting hit with that dead cap money still on the table... they let him go. I'm not saying there's a hidden injury or just the slow downs that come with age, but New Orleans has been masterful at gaming the cap system for years. There may be a reason they didn't do some of their cap voodoo in this case.

    Or he could be physically fine, just financially expensive. 

    Me, I just think the money could be better spent elsewhere.

    The $13 million is on the books even if they decided to resign him. You can't restructure dead money. I think its as simple as they wouldn't want $33 million tied to one single player. He does have an injury history though so buyer beware.

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  6. 8 hours ago, ImaginaryKev said:

    If you wanna QB like Matt Ryan or Derek Carr, by all means, you have a right to have low standards and be boring, but if you want a good QB to compete with good teams you'll pass on this draft class

    Didn't Matt Ryan win an MVP?  If Pickett is a more athletic Matt Ryan he is definitely worth it at 6.

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  7. 22 minutes ago, SmokinwithWilly said:

    Because for well over a decade, every year it's always the Saints are going to be in cap hell and there is no way they can make any moves, and yet they do it every year. You don't have to like the man or the organization to realize he's damn good at his job. 


    They are not doing anything magical. Just pushing the money to future years. Eventually you run out of contracts to restructure and the salary cap hell comes. If you do that you have to draft really well to offset with cheap rookie contracts. Saints would be giving up a boatload of draft picks in a Watson deal.

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