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Posts posted by Pazhoosier89

  1. AR is so tantalizing.  He already has a floor of one of the best running QBs ever. We know he has the arm. If he gets the passing figured you are talking of best athletes ever to play QB. If they took him at 1 I wouldn't hate it. Swing for the fences.

    • Pie 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Castavar said:

    You don't pass on Bryce Young because you are scared he is going to get injured. Injuries are so fluky. It can happen to anyone at anytime no matter how big, small, tall, short you are. Burrow tore his ACL IN THE POCKET. Herbert got his ribs fractured. Brady tore his ACL in practice. Murray tore his ACL on a non contact play. Hell, our very own Cam Newton got an injury that ruined his career because Kelvin Benjamin is a fat lazy fug that didn't bother to make a tackle on a int and Cam had to run down his defender and fugged his shoulder up forever. Point is, NFL is fuggin rough, EVERYBODY will get hurt at some point.

    All I'm saying is, who's to say we go the safe route and draft CJ Stroud just because he's "bigger and taller" and he goes out week one and gets a season ending injury (god forbid)? You can't predict injuries. Just because you might be getting the bigger and taller QB does NOT mean he won't get injured just as much.

    Spot on. Cam Newton is exhibit A for this. He was built like a DE and injuries shortened his career. Part of that was his playing style but you are not expecting Young to run a ton either.

    • The D 1
  3. 43 minutes ago, Donald LaFell said:

    It’d be pretty hilarious. Even though Richardson has potential it’d be a bad decision to take a guy who isn’t NFL ready at 1. 

    I think it’d be funny if one day a team trades up to #1 only to trade down multiple times for an overall better haul. 

    The plot for Draft Day 2.

  4. 29 minutes ago, FakePlasticTrees said:

    Whoever drafts Young will be making a huge mistake. His height is a worry; however, his weight is an even bigger worry. Combine that with average, at best, arm talent and you have a big problem. He has the intellect, some intangibles and seems like a great kid. Those positives provide only a very limited shield from the violent realities of the NFL.

    Doug Flutie is a flawed comparison. Wilson had an inch and much more weight. Murray has mobility and speed that Young lacks. Furthermore, I have my doubts about Murray's longevity as well.

    Wrong. Young is a mini sized Mahomes. He is good at moving in the pocket and avoiding hits.

  5. 5 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    I just googled different versions of "Frank Reich derek carr colts trade"


    nothing came up, what articles can you link for us to show the connection, it would help


    edit - just found this but its pretty vague



    I found this article. 


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