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Posts posted by Pazhoosier89

  1. 14 hours ago, RJK said:

    cool. Now nobody will trade for him and he'll walk at seasons end and carolina will get a comp pick? Not really sure how comps work but they'll get something for him right?

    We won't get one of we sign a bunch of free agents and we have quite a bit of money to spend. 

  2. 26 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    No way.  We had 3 TOs on the road (4 if you can't the failed 4th down conversion).  On top of that our punt returned pinned us on the 1 yard line.  I remember plenty of games where Moore couldn't get separation until the game was already over.  What did Moore have yesterday with the Bears?

    Moore had 2 receptions for 25 yards. Not exactly lighting the world on fire. Moore is a borderline #1 receiver/ great #2 receiver. He is not even close to the top receivers. Moore has many games last year where he disappeared.

    • Pie 1
  3. Fox going for 2 too early and trying to chase points was the real reason they lost. If he just kicks the extra points that last field goal just ties the game. The outcome would have depended on the coin toss because neither defense was stopping the other team.

    • Beer 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Tbe said:

    NFL coaches drive me nuts with this kind of thing. They all think they can develop guys who have have ‘traits’ but have shown nothing on the field, but it almost never happens.

    Yeah, you can take a raw talent like James Bradberry and coach him into a starter, but that requires giving the guy lots of playing time.

    For the most part, that doesn’t happen in the NFL. Guys don’t play unless they’re good, but they can’t get good unless they play.

    Given his age and college production, I don’t see how this guy suddenly turns into a good pro.

    Looking at his highlights he played TE in 21. He hasn't played the position much and he has the physical tools the coaches think they can coach up. We do need an edge that can stop the run and that's a strength of his.

    • Pie 1
  5. 1 hour ago, exactlyzack said:

    Yeah I was watching that Reddit thread and a LOT of people I think got duped into placing bets. The only other post the dude had was a post predicting they were gonna recast Joker in the next Batman movie lol.

    Gullible idiots gave Vegas some free money off of that reddit post.

  6. 11 hours ago, Lame Duck said:

    Young does not possess a single elite NFL trait but he does everything average and usually mistake free.  He will be a game manager in NFL.  He’ll do well behind great running attack and D but he won’t carry the team on his shoulders.

    Processing and dissecting defenses is his elite skill. Probably the most important skill for QBs in the NFL.

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