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Everything posted by Pazhoosier89

  1. I didn't need Joe Person to know that.
  2. I think Wilks/Holcomb should give him a call to take over at LB coach. I know Luke is close with Holcomb going all the way back to his BC days.
  3. Be prepared to give up a boatload of draft picks if you're going after Peyton. New Orleans would ask for a kings ransom. No thanks!
  4. Keep him, right now we are sitting at the #2 pick in the tankathon standings. He is a perfect tank commander.
  5. Time for a little levity with this awful start to the season.This guy has Matt Rhule down pat from the look to the voice inflection. Hilarious!
  6. I'm for keeping Rhule to the end of the season to make sure we get the #1 pick.
  7. Not happening unless you want to trade all of our draft picks for a coach. Which IMO would be stupid.
  8. Did they not realize their kicker was booming kicks from 70 yards and had a strong leg. They pretty much were In fg position after the bogus rtp call. Gotta go for the jugular and score a TD.
  9. Good. If we are keeping Sam as backup we might as well cut PJ and roll with 2 QBs only.
  10. I got it on Hulu on the NFL Network broadcast. Kenny Albert an "Doc" the homer.
  11. Did anybody else here have to listen to the awful Washington color commentary with the game on NFL network? I think his name was Doc and he acted like the game was the Super Bowl. He got so upset when the Panthers would score or make a good play. I found myself rooting for big play just so he would get pissed.
  12. Nice. Can we get Sam to take a paycut as well.
  13. He's getting paid the same as Sam. The Panthers are paying 5 mil and Cleveland pays the rest. He isn't giving us some kind of discount.
  14. I still think the best scenario is trading Sam for Jimmy G straight up. San Fran saves 6 million in the process and has a backup for Trey. Wasn't San Fran interested in Sam last year.
  15. Hurney would have already given up next year's first.
  16. Fitt said fug it Matt I'll let you make this pick. At least it wasn't a long snapper.
  17. Give me Malik with a big chip on his shoulder.
  18. Trade the rest of this draft to get Malik and call it a day. I am shocked he is still available. I would have been happy taking him at 6.
  19. Mayfield and Jimmy G are out there and there trade value is dropping like a rock. We may be able to get one for0 Darnold straight up or a 7th round pick.Panthers are being smart waiting them out. I would prefer Mayfield of the 2.
  20. BYU is a Mormon school. Big difference between Mormon and Christian. Technically Baylor is a Christian school so maybe he should have wwnt and played for Rhule.
  21. The $13 million is on the books even if they decided to resign him. You can't restructure dead money. I think its as simple as they wouldn't want $33 million tied to one single player. He does have an injury history though so buyer beware.
  22. He is a FA but due to the Saints restructuring him last year to make cap room they have a $13 million dollar dead cap hit even if he leaves.
  23. Didn't Matt Ryan win an MVP? If Pickett is a more athletic Matt Ryan he is definitely worth it at 6.
  24. They are not doing anything magical. Just pushing the money to future years. Eventually you run out of contracts to restructure and the salary cap hell comes. If you do that you have to draft really well to offset with cheap rookie contracts. Saints would be giving up a boatload of draft picks in a Watson deal.
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