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Everything posted by Pazhoosier89

  1. They probably plan on stashing Fletcher on the PS and he can take over next year if JJ retires.
  2. Looks like Ammendola, who we cut before training camp is going to win the Jets kicking job. He nails a 54 yarder here.
  3. I found an app that streams the games over YouTube and then you can cast to your TV.. It has worked the last 2 years.
  4. You left out Michael Penix. If he stays healthy he's better than everyone on this list.
  5. Not with Hurney/Rivera making the decision. It was Gettleman that drafted Butker.
  6. I wonder if that is why we see Evan Cooper with Rhule all the time. He's one of the only other coaches in the room with Rhule on Panthers confidential. Is he being groomed to replace Snow at DC when he retires in a couple years?
  7. Curious, what was it that caused Sherman to drop to the 5th? Was it his speed?
  8. If we hired Cunningham as assistant GM and he eventually gets hired away to become a GM somewhere else we'd get 2 3rd round picks. That being said we should hire Morgan if he's the best choice.
  9. I saw a tweet that said he had blood clot issues in the past. He may have been off our board because of that
  10. Looks like QB Peyton Ramsey signed with the Panthers.
  11. They could have taken Marshall at 39 and it wouldn't have been a reach. By trading back they added picks and still got the player they wanted.
  12. 4th pick next year is the steal of that trade. Houston will be bad so it will be a very high pick.
  13. A breath of fresh air compared to Hurney and his tendency to trade up to get his guys.
  14. If it makes anyone feel better the same GM who traded up to get Fields traded up to get Trubisky while Watson and Mahomes were on the board. Not exactly great QB evaluators there.
  15. With the low amount of draftable players. I wonder if we'll see teams trade later picks this year for picks next year. Fitterer mentioned the Panthers have 155 on their board.
  16. I believe there was a Tom Brady pass that was completed exactly that way that facilitated the rule change.
  17. Yeah like all Texaa Tech QBs sucked before Mahomes.
  18. Michael Penix may overtake those top 2 if he stays healthy. He was having a huge year until he tore his ACL. Watch his game against OSU last year.
  19. That would actually be beneficial to us with Moton being our best tackle. We could keep him on the right side where he is more comfortable and he would protect the blindside.
  20. If we trade up to 3 we will find out exactly what that win against Washington cost us.
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