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Everything posted by Kurb

  1. In fairness, I think they are a damn talented team. But, dont ,mosey your latte sipping ass w Into my forum and start trying to throw your weight around. The Huddle has been,exceptionally respectful to our week 1 opponent. Should we assume defeat? That would make for poor fandom.
  2. You just proved for sure you Don't know anything about the panthers, we also fired our gm and got a Real GM. I'm desperately trying to be nice to you all, as Hawk is my friend and I don't want to hurt his people.
  3. I like the Hawks. They use made a significant turn around with their current HC. Lets not flap gums too terrible much about dominate drafting tho seattle guests Didn't a former top 5 pick just retire? Granted the recent Panther drafts have been lack luster, it happens to us all. Last years game was a solid contest. Appears both teams have improved and regressed in different ways. May the best team win and both be injury free.
  4. Gendry could be dead next episode. Might be in this, too much to do to work through it right now... http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Differences_between_books_and_TV_series
  5. I think there is too many reasons for Jon to not be dead for him to ...be dead...
  6. FWIW, I think we are going to see some "power" jumps in the next book. Will Arya become Faceless? Jon Snow -> Azior Aazaahhaiazaa Sansa takes over the Vale ? Danny -> Units a host of horselords with her Unsullied and Slave Armies + 3 Dragons + IronBorn? Jamie Laniser --????????? Tyrion?????
  7. Yup, like PSC says. Jaqen was a name, that cat was a "graduated" full blown "murder you with a pebble" assassin trained and sent off to do his thing for the Temple. *sigh* How I wish he turned out to actually be Syrio...
  8. Wonder how much we should assume the Show = the Books. Like is Jenieie basically an after thought at this point? Same goes with Rikkon basically being written out of the show for the time being?
  9. Our best seasons have been when we have rosters that promote competition.
  10. Without his fighting hand I don't see Jamie as a huge candidate for AA. Is that off personal preference or some signals you have picked up?
  11. "When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt" Star Sigil guy was getting torn apart NightWatch surrounding him = Darkness Smoke from the Wound Salt from tears ? hummmm. Welp, I've convinced myself.
  12. I need to re-read the chapter tonight. But wasn't Salt and Smoke mentioned when Jon got stabbed? His wounds were "smoking" and he tasted or smelled Salt?
  13. I would think The Hound is "Sir Strong" or whatever that carries Cerci up the stairs after her walk of shame.
  14. Yeah I do have a big warning in the title. I don't follow The Hound = Azor Ahai I think Jon is Azor Ahai, his sword he was given my Mormonte is actually LightBringer, his "death" releases him from the Night Watch, and he is about to lay asswhip on the entire north. /fanboy Break down Jojen is Howland. how is that possible? and if it's true, HE can breakdown that Lyanna and Rhaegar is actually Jon's Parents.
  15. I'm going to re-read the last two books soon, but I have some suspicions on Jon Snow, His parents (said earlier Rhygar and Llyana Stark) and Azir Azor. First question.
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