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Everything posted by Kurb

  1. Completed? Nothing I can think of right now.
  2. Way of Kings is my jam. Super excited for that series.
  3. Really? I thought it was garbage at the end.
  4. Shorts and Hats /thread
  5. Fell of wagon. Got a cold . Trying to establish a routine is one of my hardest challenges when it comes to fitness.
  6. So they are King and Kong? Cool names...
  7. a It was barely a cat 1. Like our snow, the north "wasn't prepared" to deal with it.
  8. Final Fantasy is a strong one.
  9. Wife is on call this weekend so I can't leave her alone with the kid. Also you would just laugh at me Appreciate the offer tho. I know how my head works. Usually I do this cycle: Do the gym thing so hard I can barely move. Get annoyed I am so sore from being out of shape. Stop going. So this time I am taking a lighter approach, to gain the habit, then I can get jamming. I have very small goals to reach to start. 200lbs even 100 push ups I'm not thinking about mass or actual lift weight right now, just toning and fitness. Plus this keeps my blood sugar in check. #DiabetesSucks
  10. I did another workout. Just 30 mins, but I made myself do it. Warm up for 5, some kinda bootcamp thing for 10, Tai Chi for 10. Its a start
  11. Soooo I started getting back into it Monday night. I'm starting slow with http://www.amazon.com/Your-Shape-Fitness-Evolved-2012-Xbox/dp/B0050SYUAS I know I know it's not all that. But if I can stick with it for a couple months I will have programed a good habit and will start considering XFit or a gym membership.
  12. Yeah I guess the Panthers Defense was just standing out there and not affecting them into mistakes at all....
  13. Fitz has like 100 lbs and 12" on Smitty, but lets compare.
  14. The only way you can truly fail is to never truly attempt to reach your goal.
  15. Oh Sasha you slut ass *****.
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