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Johnny Rockets

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Everything posted by Johnny Rockets

  1. Biscuit, you spend a lot of time on Chive don't you?
  2. They are hands down the best in the league year in and year out. Only thing consistent in that organization.
  3. Read any scouting report on the kid and you will see that he is known as an inside the tackles , North/South power runner known for breaking tackles and his ability to move the pile. The Rams traded up to get him to be their power running back. Ideally Richardson and Pead were going to be used inside the 20's with Stacy being used as their short yardage back in power formations and at the goaline. Just saying, if that is the Rams version of DeAngelo Williams than I must be missing something.
  4. UMMMMM...Zac Stacy is 3rd in the league in yards after contact only behind Adrian Peterson and Ben Tate. Not saying he is going to run all over the Panthers but the guy has done a nice job breaking tackles even if it is a small sample size. He is strong with a lot of lower body strength and was known for his ability to break tackles and turn loses into gains in college also.
  5. Yeah that would be the only way but I just can't see them putting up 27 on the Panthers. The Panthers haven't given up 27 and The Cardinals haven't scored 27 yet this year and I don't see that changing this week. Their offense is inept due to a horrible line and no run game (NYG part II). Carolina's defense should have a field day with them. Just rush Carson and sit back and wait for him to throw the ball to you.. Hopefully Rivera hasn't had too much time on his hands with the bye week to find ways to screw this one up. As long as Carolina doesn't make stupid mistakes and avoids turning the ball over, they should easily take this game But then again..it's not who you play, but how you play on the day you play.
  6. For those people that like Picasso's chicken wings (and they are damn good) you need to order their Buffalo Chicken Roll. I worked there on gameday after the Huddle tailgates and put that thing on the menu, If anyone tells you otherwise, punch them in the throat.
  7. I've seen enough of Dd Peckers now to know that I need to try them. wait.....that didn't sound right.
  8. Picasso's In Charlotte 3 Monkeys in Harrisburg Corner Pocket in Albemarle - I'm scared I may catch a disease just from sitting on one of thier bar stools but that don't stop me from eating their wings for some reason. Fun Fact - The Anchor Bar where the Buffalo Wing was supposedly invented serves over 1 ton (that's over 2,000 lbs. for the mathematically challenged) of chicken wings a day...and that is without Panthro being a local resident.
  9. I believe it....here is 13 year old Andy Reid at a Punt Pass and Kick competition. They say the other kids around him are the same age (13) .
  10. I had no idea Venom had a pet rabbit.
  11. As a Caucasian male I am not really sure if I am allowed to laugh at that or not but that is funny as Hell.
  12. It's basically just an amped up pack of about 12 vitamins that you take everyday. A multivitamin on steroids if you will. It also has one red pill in it that is a stimulant pill to get you going. My son was taking the stuff for a while but his back really started breaking out so he stopped. I used to be big into the supplements and whenever I wanted to try something new I would go here to get an idea of what it would do, if it works, side effects, ect... http://supplementreviews.com/
  13. Well after a year of fuggin being my only real workout I am officially back in the gym today. Living hard is starting to catch up to me. Got signed up through some thing on my health insurance where it was no sign up fee, no contract, and I can pretty much go to almost any gym in the country at anytime for $25 a month. Really hard to pass that up. Good thing is that I really am not in bad physical shape and haven't packed on the pounds since I stopped but just don't have the muscle/stamina that I used to. Been playing a lot of racquetball in the last year so that has helped. Got my Jack3D, Protein Shakes, Testosterone Booster, Deer Antler Spray, and my Animal M Stack all in the mail this week so it's time to start lifting things up and putting them down in the gym again. Then it's time to get rid of these G*Damn cigs. Gotta admit it's been a nice break but life has settled down enough to where I have the time to devote at least 4 days a week again.
  14. That play was against Carlos Ruiz of the Phillies and the gif is in reverse. Funny though, never saw it before.
  15. I would fug her finger straight.
  16. If I drank alcohol I would buy one in a second...... Who am I kidding....just bought a set of two off Amazon!
  17. The doors are literally 1 ft.apart from each other. It's easy to confuse the two. Not my fault. Anyway...I nominate this as the Huddle Workout T-Shirt:
  18. I had every intention of going to the gym yesterday however my favorite bar is attatched to the gym that I go to. I "accidently" walked into the wrong door and found myself in the bar and not the gym. At that point there was no turning back...only curls I did involved pints of Highland Gaelic. Will try again next week....
  19. Oh that won't be a problem. I am nursing a broken hand and foot, so it will be light weights for awhile. Will never max out on anything ever again anyway, especially not curls. You know it has been over 2 years since they reattached my bicep and I still have no feeling in my forearm from the elbow to my hand. I guess that will never come back. I also still really notice pain in the tendon when playing golf and raquete ball also but that goes away usually after it stretches out. Having my daughter 3 days a week and dating a girl an hour away has made it hard to get to the gym on a regular basis. Really mad at myself for not making the gym a priority but sh*ts about to change. I miss it and the stress relief I got from going. Good thing is that I have lost weight since stopping the gym but also 80% of the muscle I had. I haven't been serious in the gym for over a year now. I am just glad I didn't turn into a big fatty during this break. ps...is there a Huddle Workout Warrior T-shirt that I should be expecting in the mail?
  20. Getting back into the gym today after a six month layoff so can I be part of this little workout club of yours now?
  21. What's up bro.....good to have you back!

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