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Johnny Rockets

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Everything posted by Johnny Rockets

  1. What were they predicting for the Outer Banks?
  2. Bill will have some 16 year old ball boy "fall on the knife" for this. Give him $50k hush money and a lifetime membership to the Cadillac Lounge for his troubles and then it's business as usual and off to the Superbowl.
  3. Only thing with a better grip than that bird is the guy at the Bills game a few pics back.
  4. I just so happened to be there that day---hated to come back.
  5. I'm headed to Florida on Thursday morning and escaping this winter blast that is headed to NC. I'm not ready yet. Have fun with all that you fuggers!
  6. There is a place in TN (I think) that does this exact same thing except with donated human bodies. No gifs of that though please.
  7. Saw this in a parking lot last weekend. I chuckled.
  8. What exactly am I watching there? I see his glasses break but what is he picking up and throwing? Is that on a golf course?
  9. It wasn't a hit n run. The guy stopped and said he spilled a Coke on his lap and got distracted. Supposedly he had no insurance though.
  10. Good move for the Red Sox.....my first thought is WTF Oakland??!!! Maybe it makes sense but initially I don't get it.
  11. Ummmm Zod....are you sure it's KB's wingspan Cam is checking out in that pic? Awkward photo is awkward.
  12. The most important thing you need to know about Philly Brown is that he is not a fan of being called Philly Brown.
  13. I can't decide if I should pie you or put you on ignore after that joke.
  14. On a postive note..... once this storm kills off all the old people, that will leave more Lactaid Milk for you. Win/Win I will however miss my palm tree out by the pool. Damn you Great Snow Blizzard of 2014.....Damn you to Hell.
  15. I'm in Albemarle and saw 2 flakes hit the ground. Pretty sure they stuck but cannot confirm at this tme. Team of meteorologist headed out to investigate. More udates to follow.
  16. KCCO ....thank you for my Daily Morning Awesomeness.
  17. LOL....no but as soon as I saw that on CHIVE this morning I googled to see where I could buy one!
  18. Ummmm.....I am no meteorologist but I am going to have to say that the largest Hurricane in history is just a tad worse than 1/2" of snow. Wait....that was sarcasm wasn't it?
  19. F*ck this half ass snow, F*ck this cold weather......I'm officially ready for summer.
  20. yep, snowing everywhere but here. Son of a...
  21. Well that does me absolutely no good now. I was not mentally prepared to work a full day today.
  22. Where the Hell is all this snow???!!!!!! I was expecting to be well on my way home from work by now!!!!!
  23. Guy I went golfing with is addicted to it so I downloaded the app to see what it was about a couple of weeks ago. I feel the need to check it daily now. My daughter loves the animal pics but I need to be careful what she sees on there obviously. Anyway, sorry for having a conversation in the picture thread. I know that can get me killed.
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