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Johnny Rockets

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Everything posted by Johnny Rockets

  1. ​ Uh oh Biscuit.....now even Dave Grohl is on the bandwagon....... . . "I'm officially obsessed - she might want to get a restraining order." The 46-year-old dedicated three different songs in his set to Swift, including Congregation, which was recorded in her hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. "I'm all about T-Swift. I'm going to dedicate this song to Taylor Swift, how about that?" the 46-year-old said to the cheering crowd. http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/music/68874876/foo-fighters-dave-grohl-admits-obsession-with-taylor-swift
  2. I remember him....had no idea he was sick. Sorry to hear it Alverez.and condolences to his family and friends.
  3. Black Bike week in Myrtle Beach or the NASCAR race. Haven't decided yet.
  4. Bon Jovi was the gateway drug into my love of all things T Swift.
  5. I've got no problem with the music of today. I was a metal head growing up but my tastes seem to change with the times. No matter what the decade, I have seemed to find something I like in any of the music that was being played. "WHEN I SAY TAYLOR YOU SAY......" SWIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  6. That's understandable.....seems like too much of a control freak to actually have it work that way. ,
  7. I know TSA security lines can be a bit long at times but get dropped off 2 hours early like a normal person and not a day and a half early!
  8. I would agree with that premise if that is how it worked and Goodell was still handing out disciplinary punishments but he doesn't. Sure, ultimately he oversees all things NFL but he is only involved with the appeal process since being removed from that role after the Ray Rice fiasco. All the investigations and punishments are handed out without his direct involvement. He is no longer the judge, jury, and executioner. However, i still think what you are saying is the likely outcome and appeals should be handled independently via and arbitrator as Chknwing said.
  9. Was just thinking that is agent is probably pissed about that comment.
  10. 9 pages in and no "Cam brought me here" posts? Come on...you know you are out there.
  11. Steve Beuerlein's very improbable 5 YD Qb sneak with time expiring to beat the Packers back in 99 is very memorable. Gave Favre his first ever December loss at Lambeau. For those those that don't remember him, if Beuerlein, Peyton Manning, and Tom Brady lined up for a 40 yard dash, Beuerlein would probably win by the slightest of margins but no one would live long enough to see the end of the race.
  12. I'm not sure what I just read there. It makes sense, but at the same time very confusing. Going to get some coffee and I'll try again later.
  13. Says the guy who clicked on and commented in a thread titled: Odell Beckham Jr. On madden 2016 cover
  14. Did Brady even talk to Goodell? I was under the impression that Goodell removed himself from disciplinary investigations / rulings after the whole Ray Rice fiasco. I know he reportedly didn't cooperate with the investigators but not sure he lied to Goodell. His TV interview was filled with BS though.
  15. lol.....You don't watch the news do you? It's the biggest general news story (not just sports) BECAUSE it's the Patriots and Tom Brady. If it were the Panthers, no one would care and it wouldn't be nearly as big as it is now. CNN, Good Morning America, Entertainment Tonight, Every late night talk show, World News, etc.....turn on your TV right now and someone is talking about this. My mom knows about Tom Brady and his deflated balls and she doesn't even watch football....errr...wait, that didn't sound right.
  16. Probably not but if he wanted to, there is nothing any of us could do to stop it from happening.
  17. Kind of hard to call foul on that when you consider how many Panther players were roided up for that game and season. Unless you stick your head in the sand of course.
  18. So she must be the one he was arrested for allegedly abusing and went on Instagram to say how he wasn't marrying her because she would be an embarrassment for a wife? Guess it is true...no matter how hot she is, someone, somewhere, is sick of putting up with her sh*t.
  19. Lawyer speak....makes sense because I believe they are both lawyers. They all sound alike.
  20. On all the National news programs, Brady deflating footballs is the lead story at the moment right behind the tornadoes that destroyed much of the Midwest yesterday. It's on CNN, World Evening News last night, Good Morning America, even Entertainment Tonight, etc. Turn on any sports talk radio right now and all they are talking about is Brady deflating footballs. Seems like a sh*t storm to me and honestly if it was Cam, it wouldn't be near the National story that transcends sports that it is now. Plus as mentioned - ball boys for the Panthers were heating the balls up to soften them for Cam during the Vikings game which is illegal but it was a total non story which it should be. The Vikings were doing it as well. Brady, the Patriots, their history of winning and stepping over the lines on rules make this story a sh*t storm.
  21. I'm just here to say Reef and Rainbow flip flops are highly overrated and over priced trash. Throw a pair of Montrails in the oven, slip them on and you could run a marathon in them. One thing I am known for are my perfect feet and they know comfort and style.
  22. Otto Graham - back in 1789. Mr. Scott saw him play live. True story.
  23. The words "Sous Vide" and "Steak" just don't seem to go together. Maybe if I was baking pastries. I feel like I may grow a vagina if I cook a steak Sous Vide while drinking a Mich Ultra.
  24. Damn....Are we cooking steaks or building Rome?
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