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Everything posted by 5158Poundin

  1. Bradshaw picked the Panthers and so did Jimmy Johnson. Howie Long & Gappy can go f## off.
  2. I am actually tired of the weeklong circle jerk with a lot of the analysts and announcers on NFLN for Seattle. There's two teams on the field today and all week long they are hard on Seattle's jocks. I am ready for this to be settled ON THE FIELD. Keep disrespecting or ignoring the Panthers - they love it.
  3. #KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP POUNDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be screaming from home - you might be able to hear me lose my voice in PA. It's OUR TIME!!!!
  4. I am so ready to see Daniel-San (PANTHERS!!) crane kick that Seattle ass back home! Haaaiiiii-yah!!!! #KEEPPOUNDING and may Miyagi's lessons show the growth Daniel has made this Sunday!
  5. #KEEPPOUNDING!! Pick me, pick me!!!! I will drive from PA to pick up the tickets!
  6. CAP was pretty special and I am excited to see what he will bring to the table! Love the photos as always! Thank you Jeremy! It has been an amazing run this year and hope it will be a golden one!!!
  7. #KEEPPOUNDING…..finally made it home and can watch the game….whoop…nice call refs.
  8. AWESOME photos Jeremy. My favorites are the Sunday giveaway and Olsen with the backdrop of the Giants sign and a Giants defender chasing him like PacMan….
  9. Beautiful shots…brings a tear to my eye knowing this team played a complete game. The injuries suck but this team simply IMPOSES their will. LOVE it.
  10. I can hear the KEEP POUNDING and MVP chants REALLY well….so proud of this team AND this fan base!!!
  11. Falcons have been their own worst enemy the latest stretch. I hope we capitalize on that mentality and bring it. We've been there ourselves and unfortunately, I have no mercy for you today. I want my team to ground and pound up the Falcons.
  12. Cam always wants to ball out against ATL and I am sure he is going to have a heck of a game today. I think Funchess is going to "click" in that baller I know he can be today…. No division game is easy and the Falcons are desperate. I think defense has a lot to prove after last week so that desperation in ATL might just be the right combination that the defense will feed off. #GOPANTHERS!!!! #KEEPPOUNDING!!! #GAMEDAY!!!
  13. The photos are awesome as usual and my four favorites are Cam and Tolbert, Cam and Funchess, Cam trolling the Saints fans and last TD's scowl. I look forward to Matty Ice and the dirty bird offense getting a heavy dose of defensive beatdown next Sunday. Any photo of Cam trolling defenses and other salty bitch fanbases crack me up and make Mondays enjoyable.
  14. I only have two things to say: 1. 12-0 to you SALTY DIRTY FUG NAWLINS BITCHES. 2. #KEEPPOUNDING!!
  15. Great analysis and love the connection to the Inca who were bad@$$ and dominating!
  16. Amazing. still have that post-coital glow of a cowboy buttwhooping. Thankyou, Jeremy. I will be glowing for awhile!!!!.
  17. GO PANTHERS!!!!! #KEEPPOUNDING!!!!!! fug the cowbells!!!!
  18. Amazing photos Jeremy and thank you! It was a nice change of pace to not be having a near coronary in the 4th quarter! My favorite shots were of Kirk Cousins going to turf in multiple ways. I loved seeing Funchess having a good day and CAM was just on fire!
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