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About 5158Poundin

  • Birthday August 14

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  1. Thanks LP. It was a sad surprise for many of us. She had a lot of health challenges the past few years and yet she kept up a pretty positive attitude about it. I had some amazing times with her and it's just a shock since she was still pretty young to face what she did in the end. I will totally miss traveling with her and going to Panther games together because she was absolutely a blast to hang out with. She had the spunk to wear her Carolina blue sparkling Cowboy boots and a tiara....
  2. Hi folks, I used to post here more frequently but I did go to Robin's memorial service this past Sunday. I was fortunate to go to many games with her and even enjoyed sitting in her PSLs for several games. She was one of the kindest, most generous ladies I have known and one of the most passionate Panther fans. She'd been to both Super Bowls (I almost went to 50 with her but couldn't make it work for me at the time), loved to travel, and had a lot of sparkle and spunk. I am sad that she is no longer with us and I will always miss her. I can say that Dave Tepper sent a condolence letter on her behalf to her family which was read out at her memorial service. There was a lot of laughing and crying as that letter was read out. Robin was a very special lady and one I will miss terribly for a long time. She didn't know a stranger and she is totally one of most fun, witty and well traveled women I have known. Heaven gained an angel with a sparkle. RIP, Cosmo/Princess Robinka Em....you're loved here, too.
  3. Love it! Thanks for sharing - it's going to be repeating in my head for a long time!!!
  4. These are WONDERFUL photos and just give me pure joy. Nothing better except to have been in Charlotte in the stadium for this game. I was there in my heart and your photos make it feel like I was there. GET TD#58 that ring. I want so much to see the veterans get that elusive ring and bring the Lombardi Trophy home. And it's an amazing feeling to know now it is really possible. Thank you, Jeremy for an amazing season captured in photos. I pray you get that field pass for the Super Bowl. Thank you, Panthers. You have given me a type of joy that can never be taken away! Now, let's go WIN it all!!! GO PANTHERS!!! #KEEP POUNDING!!!!
  5. That pure unadulterated joy was my face when he made that Pick 6 to seal the deal. I love me some LUUUUUUke. Tears of joy streaming down my face….an unbelievable game for the ages!
  6. Who gives a squat who picks the Panthers - JUST BRING THE PAIN and prove all the haters wrong!
  7. Looks like the crowd was watching the end of the Pats - Broncos AFC Championship. I am already tired of the jock sucking on Zona.
  8. Let's GO Panthers! Panther Nation - rock that house and blow the snow out!!!
  9. That mile high air is getting to the Patriots….
  11. I will be yelling "KEEEEEEP POUNDING" from the snow-valanche boundaries of PA.
  12. As always your photos encapsulate some of our greatest game day memories! Thank you, Jeremy! My heart was in my throat when Sherman started to horse collar JStew but was thankful he stopped trying to tackle him that way. It was still a desparate tackle and until Stew got up - I was all clenched up and ready to whoop someone's @$$. Greg Olsen's TD was amazing considering Cam zipped it thru, a defender's arm was entangled with Greg during the catch and he brought it in. My two favorite defensive drives include the first drive where the DLine just dominated Seattle and sacked/hurried/harried Russell Wilson into the pick 6 by Luke. The sack by JNo was awesome even if it was a rogue play because he read that one and capitalized. My nerves were on edge because I hate seeing our best corner leaving our safeties on an island that they don't always cover or recover when WRs get behind them in 1:1. The zenith of the afternoon was Thomas Davis saving our season with that leap to recover the onside kick. Get that man a statue when he retires as he is the ULTIMATE Panther and he is my co-favorite player only equal to Sam Mills. Slow clap, Jeremy. What an amazing season captured in photos! Let's go and get to the promised land by beating Zona next Sunday! #KEEPPOUNDING!!!
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