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Darth Biscuit

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Everything posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. I have missed three days straight due to being out of town for work... I really needed a break anyway, but ima kill deads tomorrow.
  2. Exactly... it is what you make of it... as long as they don't kick you out for being too hot Philly, so don't wear that halter top. As for me, I'd probably last about 30 minutes into my first workout and they'd ask me to leave... which is fine and why I don't go there. ...and don't get me wrong, the gym I go to is far from perfect. Yes I can squat and dead and all of that fun stuff, but whoever runs that place needs to take an aesthetics course from some Junior college because the way they have it setup is just about as dumb as it could be. Everyone is literally on top of everyone else...
  3. As a business model, PF struck gold, and really hit on something very smart... Most of the people that sign up for gym memberships either don't go at all or go like 1 or 2 days a week. For those people, and for those that just want to go in to a convenient, cheap place, PF is fine. For people like me, who go 6 days a week and lift heavy weights, it destroys their business model. They don't want "serious" weightlifting going on, because those people come a lot and use the equipment and space much more than their "typical" client. I've seen several articles like this... http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/planet-fitness-not-gym, telling the truth about PF. I saw one where a guy went to like 47 different PF gyms to see if what people thought of the place was true... and it pretty much was... I'll try and find the link. Can you go to PF and get a good workout, I'm sure you can, but most of them have limited amounts of free weights, no squat racks and prohibit deadlifting.
  4. I'd love to see Hardy proven innocent and come back to the Panthers... that's iffy in and of itself. I could see him playing for the vet min if he was really sincere about playing "for free"... but I doubt that will happen too... What I don't get is why Voth says he should give the money back? I mean I get it that that would be a magnanimous gesture on Hardy's part to JR... but why would he do that? I mean he was tagged, it wasn't his call to sit him after the 1st game, that was JR's call based on media pressure. Frankly I don't blame him for taking and keeping that money. He earned that from his play the season before.
  5. This is a very good and valid point as well.
  6. lol, we had this discussion in the office this morning. Love Cam, but it'd have to be Luke. Cam is a good QB that can be great... Luke is already great and has the potential to be an all-time great at MLB.
  7. I def think they can get 4 out of the current storyline... and maybe 5 depending on what they do in season 3. Honestly I hope they don't drag it out and have some clear end to it.
  8. There are some other alternatives... I use HBOGo but there are other sites... PM me or msg me on fb... not sure Zod wants them posted here.
  9. I don't think it peaked too early... I think there's plenty they can do...
  10. It's really weird that you bumped this the same night I bumped the HoC thread. BB was utter genius to me. The Wire is my next show up.
  11. Bump!!! I finished both seasons in the past week. This is after finishing all of Breaking Bad in less than three weeks... Binge watching ftw! (Thanks a lot Dpantherman) Holy shizballs what a good show. I should have drawn it out up to the premier of season 3... Couldn't... Stop... Watching...
  12. Ahh... yes. There are some in my gym, but honestly not many.
  13. After nearly getting it last week, was able to lockout 550 on deadlift today. That's a new PR.
  14. I feel like front squats put a lot more tension on my lower back... plus my shoulders don't like them either...
  15. I do leg presses some, but not that much. I prefer the squat to start mainly because of exactly what you said, it's a whole lower body exercise although it does nail my quads... i squatted yesterday and I'm sore as fug in the quads right now. On squat day I tend to do more stuff aimed at the quads, reg squats, box squats, extensions etc. On deadlift day I tend to aim more at my lower back, glutes and hams after I dead with rack pulls, romanian deads and leg curls.
  16. Leg presses are extra hard on my low back... I definitely prefer squats. I have seen the guys that load it up, put their hands on their knees and move it about 1/4 rep... Not really sure what that's accomplishing? Of course I've seen guys do the same thing on squat, bench and literally every other exercise as well so...
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