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Darth Biscuit

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Everything posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Agree, but that new press machine seems to want to round my back more than I like... it's just weird. I like squats too because they make you use all those stabilizer muscles.
  2. Yeah... that's not it. I like the squat it just kills my f'ing shoulders. They got a new leg press machine at my gym too and it's not very comfortable.
  3. Anybody ever used something like this? This one's called the top squat. Gives you an alternative for holding the bar while doing squats. I'd like to try this, but it's not cheap.
  4. Joscott and I hit chest pretty hard today... he's gonna be sore tomorrow... I suspect that I will be too.
  5. That one has? Maybe I missed it since I wasn't into GoT yet.
  6. I would like to pie MPFs post twice please... rofl
  7. I'd say that's fairly typical, but most guys don't acknowledge it... just look at all the built guys with stick legs around any gym. You use your arms on nearly every exercise in some way... even on leg day just moving the plates around. I haven't done a strictly arm workout in probably 10 months. Don't cut out your shoulder work, just don't do a specific arm day.
  8. They have finally fixed the AC in our gym and it's soooo nice. Last summer was a nightmare... it's very hard to get a good workout in when it's so hot.
  9. To start, find something u like and do it... Get some good cardio in, interval training is great, and find a diet u can live with. Diet is the hardest part imo. Once you get established working out, you can get into classes, a program or lifting weights. Also finding a partner is a good idea.
  10. Joscott is a tall guy, and mostly pretty lean. If he hits the weights and eats decent he'll put muscle on pretty easily I think. Any extra flab will go pretty quickly if he hits the gym as hard as we did yesterday regularly, buy didn't look to me like he's got that much to lose. I try to change my routine up as well, but its easy to get into a rutt.
  11. I agree Cat, my kids eat junk sometimes but its the exception not the rule. We've always done it your way, cook what we cook, and if they don't it eat, they don't eat. We have to make a few exceptions now for our oldest as he is lactose intolerant, but otherwise we cook one meal with veggies and all eat it.
  12. Met joscott at the gym today... nice guy. Not creepy like the rest of you weirdos...
  13. I have no advice here... I've been trying to eat bettter and less. That's the hardest thing for me. I like food too much. My wife has killed it with the Weight watchers thing... she's stuck to it for over 2 months and lost 19 pounds so far.
  14. That's where I go... PM me if u want, I'll be there today.
  15. I agree with Bronco Cat, that's not going to happen unless you really got on something. My wife worries about the same thing, she won't lift with me even though I've explained to her that she's not going to bulk up like a man will. She also says that she gains weight quickly when lifting and she's doing that weight watchers diet and has lost 19 pounds and she's really into it now, plus she just picked up the urge to start running a lot. 6 pullups is really good... most guys can't do 6 real pullups without flopping their legs like fish. 10 would be exceptional imo. Work them to failure as psc suggested, hit some other exercises that work the lats and general back and you'll be up to 10 in no time.
  16. "Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?" I've taken the GNC Vitpaks, probably somewhat similar. If you put weight on, that might be a little more challenging... working out your legs and calves a lot I hope.
  17. Yeah, lifting will definitely make you hungry for sure. What are your goals, other than the 175 lbs mark?
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