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Darth Biscuit

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Everything posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. That sucks... I said earlier that mine hurt yesterday but I finished... the bitch has been sore all day. Don't push that knee too hard Cat. Leaving in 5 min to do chest day... feel so so... sinuses hurting today.
  2. I fuging fuging fuging hate that I have to root for the Pats. But I'll do it anyway.
  3. Dude I don't want to drive 20 miles much less run it.
  4. The avg american is only 195lbs? That seems low. They didn't check the Walmart.
  5. I'm not ignoring you PiA, I just don't have anything there... what you're doing is beyond me... Good luck. Joscott and I worked out so hard Saturday I think it made me sick... terrible head cold Sunday, I'm about over it now...
  6. Don't want to make Zod's head get too big, but is there another fan base in the NFL that gets inside pics like this of the games? I honestly don't know... is there? Because this is pretty fuging awesome.
  7. 8 month pregnant lady doing Crossfit gets snarky comments after posting photos of her working out... Basically she took photos of herself lifting and doing crossfit and posted them on the Crossfit facebook page and people flipped out... I've always heard the exercising while pregnant is fine as long as you're not doing stuff you haven't done before... sounds like she's been working out for years...
  8. lol If I listened to them I'd sure get done quicker...
  9. So stoked... It's chest day and Joscott sent me his whole Nickelback playlist!!!! Pump time!!!
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