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Darth Biscuit

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Everything posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. I can't do early mornings, doesn't work with my schedule and I'm beat by 10AM... I go right after work... 4:30-5:00 ish... works well for me... my pre generally wears off by bedtime.
  2. I don't know how you guys workout so late at night... that would kill me.
  3. Taking your pre and not getting to workout really, really sucks. I usually take mine at the office and go straight to the gym... it's about 5 minutes normally... I've always wondered when something would happen to prevent me from getting there in a timely manner and me going nuts in the car.
  4. Bleys was going to give me 10% just for playing... pretty sure that was part of the deal. Like an appearance fee...
  5. Beastmode Jase Truth. Deadlifts have done more to help my back than anything... I pulled 550 last night and got it about 3" from a full pull... argh.
  6. lol I had one of my family's parties this weekend and I actually did pretty good...
  7. I see that pic you skinny mofo... nice guns brah. Saltman doesn't want to see your guns, he wants to see your buttcheeks.
  8. I heard there were new pics here... I am disappoint
  9. Yeah, I've seen Jase and he certainly looks like he's working out... Dude's arms got way bigger.
  10. If we can ever get another one planned, you're on.
  11. Z that is awesome man. It takes a lot of hard work and want to to be able to accomplish that.
  12. Soooo... I had a professional female bodybuilder ask me tonight when my next show was... I was like.... "Uhh... I don't compete..." And she said, "well you should..." I took that as a big compliment.... Guess I'm doing something right.
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