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  • Birthday 03/22/1985

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  1. Very good article from one of the better NFL Insiders out there. Particularly love the comment from a former staffer that says Tepper doesn't care about money. Aside from the Broncos ownership, Tepper is the SINGLE richest owner in the NFL and because of this he can throw money at anyone or anything. This gives us a huge advantage over other franchises that could not absorb the cost of canning coaches like we have done. Also, if you read the article you'll see that all the former staffers and coaches that were interviewed all had positive things to say about Tepper and how his desire to win is paramount. While it hasn't bore fruit like he, and we all, had hoped, I'm glad he keeps swinging. Do you remember how many times we wished Jerry would swing for the fences on free agents or upgrading our stadium and facilities? Tepper has put his money where his mouth is and will continue to do so. But he, like Bryce Young, is still a rookie and will need to go through his own growing pains. Look at Bills when they got new ownership. They were awful but eventually she got it right and now they're a perennial playoff team. We will get there, too, and Bryce will be a huge part of that. He just needs the pieces and coaching around him, and Tepper is going to throw money until this happens.
  2. This makes no sense. You would keep Reich only to know you're going to fire him a month into next season? You essentially waste an entire off-season and negatively impact Bryce Young's development. That is how dysfunctional franchises work. Even if you don't believe in Bryce Young (which it clearly sounds like you do not), you give the kid every chance to succeed like Tepper is trying to do now. If Bryce sucks then he will still land you the #1 overall pick but at least you give your team and him a fighting chance by allowing a real off-season and a change in offensive philosophy.
  3. He definitely deserves credit for biting the bullet and getting rid of Reich before things got any worse. Honestly, for as bad as the mistakes Tepper has made you cannot argue the fact that he desperately wants to win. Maybe that's the keyword here: desperate, but I'm glad he did what he did. People on the board are talking about both sides of their mouths. One on hand every is all mad that he canned Frank 11 games in, yet, these same people would be screaming for Reich to be fired after every game he was allowed to keep coaching in if Tepper didn't. So which is it? You can't have it both ways. If any of us were the owner, wouldn't you fire Reich after all this? Offense has shown ZERO improvement in 12 weeks (BYE included), Bryce is starting to regress in his foot work, and Reich's game management was so bad he made Rivera look like Chuck Noll. Anyone who says that they would allow him to keep coaching with them as the owner is a liar. Tepper did the right thing here and will throw money at our next HC. I'm not a Tepper apologist by any means because how he allowed Rhule to do Cam was horrific, and that Rhule contract was also stupid. But give credit where credit is due. He learned from his mistake and gave Reich a normal contract and had him hire coaches with actual NFL experience. When that didn't work out, he didn't wait another 3 years, he canned him and will start the search again. As much as it sucks right now, I do believe it'll pay off in the long-run which if the right HC is hired next, may not be as long as we think....
  4. He is under contract so as long as the new HC doesn't have a DC he prefers, Evero will be with us another year. Unless he gets plucked for a HC gig himself.
  5. I completely agree. I was even laughing at all the other teams who hired first time HC's and was actually happy we had a HC who had experience and "learned" from his past mistakes. Boy, was I wrong. Now I hope we get a first time HC because those afore mentioned rookie HCs are doing better than us. Shoot, look at Dan Campbell, I laughed watching his initial presser and thought he was going to be bust. The Lions are one of the best teams in the NFC and are on the rise. Meanwhile, we are a dumpster fire of an organization and about to be going on another HC search. The NFL really is Not For Long and the No Fun League for us in Panther Nation.
  6. The doom and gloom continue. This video may put you on suicide watch.
  7. This video goes over Reich's last stand in Indy when he fired his OC and took over play-calling. *SPOILER ALERT* He was immediately fired after his first game back as OC. We can only hope this happens here after the impending Dallas blowout. But what's more concerning is when you look at his offense last year, it looks like a mirror image of the offense we have now. The same issues of: poor Oline blocking, WRs with no separation, QB having no one to throw to at the top of his drop, and plays that take too long to develop, are all there just like they are now with us. The YouTuber makes a comment at the end stating he does not believe Bryce Young was the QB Reich wanted for this offense, but honestly, looking at how things are nothing seems to have changed even though he had taller QBs in Indy, it would not have mattered who the QB was for this team, as we were always doomed to fail with Frank Reich.
  8. In time, but I’d like to see what we have in Thomas Brown before the house gets cleaned.
  9. #FireFrank as OC. Not one single pass over 20 yards. We may as well trout Cam Newton out there if we aren’t gonna push the ball down the field.
  10. Watching that last episode of Camp Confidential really showed how much respect T. Mo has for the team. It was cool to see because we as fans respect and like that man, too. Also, glad baby Bryce is a captain in his first year.
  11. This says basically the same stuff as seen in a previous post Breer Breaks Down the Final Decision
  12. He’s gonna be returning us to the Superb Owl and bringing home the Lombardi
  13. Sounds like the exact move a franchise run by a pill head would make. LOL
  14. Colts! Then they'll have to make a choice between the QB they drafted this year or take Caleb Williams with the #1 pick. If the Colts do not land a QB in this draft then it's a no-brainer that they will be the worst team next year and take Caleb Williams out of USC.
  15. I doubt there is a scenario where HOU passes on Bryce Young if he's available. I mean, the main reason there is talk about them trading out of the pick is because they do not believe they have a shot at getting Young at #2. But to answer your other question, if HOU passes on Stroud after we take Young, then I guess it will mean there is some truth to the recent rumors coming out about CJ regarding him being "difficult" to coach. Caserio is from the New England/Belichick tree and they are known for vetting their players. But who knows, CJ Stroud could be the guy like Bryce Young is the guy and the Texans will regret passing on him. It'll be interesting to see nonetheless on how this class turns out especially since Bryce and CJ will be linked for their entire careers.
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