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Everything posted by chknwing

  1. someone take the keys away from Atlantas GM
  2. It's going to take me a long time to get used to his accent
  3. this was smart.. Encouraged by Morgan as GM
  4. as long as we have a pick for Braleon Allen or Estime
  5. expected + 5th year option. Morgan knows whats up.
  6. this is not a tepper move, this is a smart GM getting a 5th year option on a top WR. a tepper move would have been trading up to 14 to take Legette
  7. Buffalo, were taking Legette, Panthers Oh noooooo!
  8. holy poo I knew it. 5th year option
  9. odd buffalo who is looking for a wr trades to KC to pick a WR
  10. cool, he can run fast and thats about it
  11. just saw Saddam Hussein in the Jags draft room
  12. whats goin on with him, I know he had back surgery but dude been slurring his speach all night. He on pills, had a stroke?
  13. KC an buffalo will make quick work of those
  14. cmon man, you really need click bait during the NFL draft?
  15. Arthur Blank actually wanted this
  16. at this point trade down, so many good players pushed down the board
  17. not with the new rules, cant tackle anyone
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