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About chknwing

  • Birthday 01/01/1975

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  1. Carolina has propped up the defense infree agency, havnt really done much on offense. I think they go offense in 1st. I was high on Jeanty but they shored up the RB position, so prolly Warren.
  2. no, I think hes a risk even at #8 with the foot injury. The second he is drafted, he will have surgery. Almost a given.
  3. Since the panthers are high on a few players in the same pick range I can easily see a small trade down. Bears need OL. Saints need OL. Bears have an extra 2nd round pick. I could see Carolina swapping 1st round picks and swapping 2nd round picks with the bears. Giving Carolina #10 and #39 and the Bears #8 and #57.
  4. its very quiet, Carolina working on something, no sense in waiting for players to sign elsewhere when you have plenty of cap available.
  5. with 2 4's and 3 5's, Dans definitely gonna be moving up in the draft.
  6. If Carolina drafts Princely Umanmielen, they would have Michael Jackson, Bobby Brown, and Prince
  7. you're not paying attention, they drafting offense and using free agency for defense
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