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About Fenrir

  • Birthday 05/04/1989


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  1. Cowboys are a poo show. JJ should have moved on from being the GM a decade ago.
  2. The kid is from rural SC where hunting is a way of life. Why should he change for sensitive people online? I like that he's true to himself and lives life the way he always has. It's refreshing, to be honest. Also there are a lot worse offseason activities that an NFL player could be getting into, so not sure why there is so much butthurt in this thread...
  3. Titans will be more compelling with all of the front office moves they've been making, and with potentially spending the number 1 pick on a QB.
  4. Really like the potential I'm seeing from Coker. And if XL can clean up his drops, he will be a big time player as well. WR is still a need, but I'd take a mid round flyer and focus on defense early. Unless we trade back later in the first. At that point, Luther Burden is pretty tempting.
  5. Explains why there is competent football being played now. Hopefully he continues that trend...
  6. Good to read. Now, let’s stockpile some talent and make some noise over the next few years.
  7. I never said he was Adrian Peterson. But he's in a professional league now with physicians that excel at repairing this injury type due to its frequency. People acting like this injury is automatically a career ending injury haven't paid attention to this surgery/procedure over the last decade...
  8. Feel horrible for the kid. I'm hoping someone in the organization gets him in touch with TD. There is light at the end of the tunnel, he'll just need to attack his rehab. Reminder to all that Adrian Peterson tore his ACL/MCL and came back with one of the best rushing seasons in NFL history.
  9. Agree 100%. While the line has been solid this year, it never hurts to add depth/talent. Also Moton is no longer a spring chicken and it would be nice to have someone learning under him to shore up that side when he hangs it up or isn't re-signed one day.
  10. Just finished the video. He was complimentary of Bryce but pointed out where he needs improvement. You guessed it, it's his footwork. He isn't planting his cleats to get power out of the rotation in his motion, but continues to have throws where he's on his toes and generating power only from the arm. That said, there were a couple of throws in the film where he had good mechanics and delivered strikes, so it looks like the staff is continuing to emphasize that. Also mentioned how Bryce adding the ability to extend plays is another reason for the turnaround. Positive signs continue from #9 over the last few weeks. As far as the receivers, and I agree here, still too many dropped balls and routes are not crisp. Moore is a JAG and should be allowed to walk once Coker is back in the lineup. XL is still a big work in progress in the route running department. I think we have to address WR in the draft again this offseason...
  11. Need pass rush and to get more ass on the inside for sure. Also would like some LBs with some speed. In short, we need to draft heavy on the defensive side.
  12. Sanders was moving his legs and arms. Hoping it’s precautionary.
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