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  1. Us In The NFC west have always hated each other for the most part but when the last team is standing it's almost as if fans just wanna prove we play in the best division and rooting for our rival. Kinda odd. Also the whole Camthers thing, I'm not sure anyone was disrespecting your team. Cam is the MVP so of course most people think of him when you talk Carolina football. As for the comments on a bad experience at a game, that's not our whole fanbase. To be honest, Arizona a has problems with gangs and thugs who tend to become football fans when we are winning. Most of the country calls us racist for our laws but if you live here and have to deal with the crime from illegal aliens you would understand. As a whole though, we have a wonderful, and knowledgeable fan base. Lastly, we are gonna whoop the kitties butt this weekend :-) Goodluck guys, the panthers have put one heck of a team on the field this year.
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