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Posts posted by PassWarden

  1. Just now, CRA said:

    BOA is pretty welcoming by NFL standards.  In you have a bad experience as an opposing fan it generally would be b/c you went looking for trouble.  Some stadiums you really have to worry about home fans just looking to ruin your time.  

    Without a doubt, that's why it's a bit disheartening to hear that a guy who was just looking to enjoy a chance to watch his team play was berated in such a way. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, 15 said:

    Speak for yourself. They may seem cute online, but both times I've been to Arizona for a game, I was treated worse than I was at a Raiders game.

    First time I was heckled by fans on the way in and especially on the way out. For the dumbest poo too. Like a gang full of guys saying poo about me and my girl which is a terrible situation to be in. I had a chick hit me in the face with a towell thing. The next time I went, one of the trashiest families I ever seen literally wanted to fight me and my pregnant girlfriend just for cheering after a big play. I love poo talkning and am always down for a good fight, but not when I'm just having a good time at a game not doing anything out of the ordinary and with my obviously fugging pregnant S/O. 

    The worst thing I witnessed though was after one of the games, I noticed a fight breaking out so I went to see what the commotion was about. There was about 4-5 guys, all Cardinal fans, literally just beating the poo out of eachother. No cops in sight, they literally beat this one dude up so badly he was gushing blood and they stomped his fugging head while already knocked out on the ground. Another dude in a wheelchair who was with one of the guys got involved and they tipped his wheelchair. All while people were screaming "you guys are rooting for the same team, what the fug?!".

    They're a very ugly fan base. Lots of gang affiliation looking to stir poo up and A LOT of drunk fat dudes that wanna act tough. They may be nice online, but not over in AZ. May have just been my experience by 2 out of 2 times is enough for me to decide to not go back there. Especially since we lose every time I've been out there too...

    That's awful to hear, and truthfully embarrassing as a Cardinals fan. Sorry about your experience, hopefully everything is civil in Carolina. Especially for the odd Cardinal fan that makes his way to BoA stadium this weekend.

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  3. Hey guys, I saw that my post from the AZ Cardinals forums was quoted. In no way, was I assuming that you guys make the playbook. Just figured it'd be a fun thing to post some of the insight you guys have on your own team, anything to kill some time (waiting on Sunday is killer eh?). 

    I wouldn't take the Camthers thing to personal, Cam is a huge personality. Most of the guys over on our boards are pretty knowledgeable, and more importantly we're all pretty realistic heading into the NFCCG. You guys have talent all over there field, the kind of talent that should (and does) warrant a healthy amount of respect from our fans and our team. I think we can all agree these are the two best teams in the NFC, so it's fitting the NFCCG should come down to this. 

    Here's to hoping for an injury free game, it'd be brutal to beat each other up to the point we can't deliver the beat down New England or Denver so desperately deserve! As always, best of luck guys!   

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