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Everything posted by Rags

  1. This is how your adult moderator reacts to any criticism btw. (he secretly thinks he can be an nfl gm btw)
  2. And look, the moderators do nothing but berate people with dissenting opinions and wonder why the forum is dying!
  3. Time after time you see Young lead his receivers (or Thelien) when others would've gotten destroyed behind this o-line. But let's hyperfocus on what he can't do guys.
  4. Seriously, when was the last time we had a good draft class and not just one or two solid players?
  5. This but with Demeco Ryans instead.
  6. Yeah it's not like - Armanti Edwards - Richardson ever meddled - no "shady" players - with how the roster was handled - Brenton Bersin.
  7. Bullshit there's plenty of instances of QBs who miss passes/throw inaccurately because they couldn't step up into a pass. It wasn't a pass that couldn't get there, it was overthrown. He just didn't accurately place it because of the pressure. I'd definitely argue that Bryce's dep accuracy is his weakspot, but also our ability to go deep consistently lives and dies with Chark right now. This deep game is whack for a lot of reasons and it's not just Bryce.
  8. So question do you know abt Quarterback mechanics and why QB coaches tell QBs to step into their throws. And follow up do you think a QB can accurately step into his throw with a 320 pound man coming straight at him?
  9. Saying our QB will never throw for 300 yards is reactionary lol. It's really easy though, if you don't support Tepper or his actions, stop watching and supporting the Panthers.
  10. I'm literally here talking abt the team after watching them suck for 3 hours. What are you talking abt lol. I'm just not acting like it's the end of the world. Team's bad, there's a lot of reasons why it's bad, I'm just not putting all the balme or expectations on a rookie QB. But thanks for missing the point.
  11. It's really easy if you just find other hobbies and stop acting like The Panthers are the only one with fan expectations lol. We just lost to a QB who a few seasons ago was also considered a bust or whatever. You'd think ppl would learn to stop being so reactionary.
  12. I think hes doing everything in his power to get Fitt to not make the trade lol
  13. he missed 5 games last year and 2 his rookie season, totaling to 7 games. Basically less durability concerns than his former teammate Hopkins.
  14. I mean it's happening to the other former Alabama QB too. Look at Jalen Hurts first two years. I don't think "Getting two elite weapons and letting the rest figure itself out." is a bad plan. Just...really hard without that FRP. Both Eagles and Dolphins were able to draft one and trade for the other weapon. This rebuild as a whole has been poorly planned.
  15. Yeah I agree, he's gotta step back and realize his desire to win and his ability to realize when he's being sold a crock don't mix. Weird to say I almost think Washington woulda been a better hire.
  16. Motion thing really stands out to me and has had me fuming. Our guys aren't suddenly gonna start getting more separation, the fact we don't use it or uptempo more so teams can't dictate matchups is. Very upsetting.
  17. Where you see regression I see a rookie mistake magnified on a bad offense. I'm not saying he's playing mistake free, I just don't think he's playing an unsustianable brand of football, I just don't think we've put him in a situation to succede. I blame the GM, the pick SHOULD'VE been Stroud, but the coach didn't go to bat hard enough for his vision. This is a mess, but I really think the org is doing Stroud a dissevervace than him just being trash.
  18. It's Game 3 for Bryce. I'm not saying he's bad, good or anything inbetwen. He's looked solid at times, his pocket presences is...questionable. And whether it was Andy or Bryce, Adam Thielien was the leading target and leading receiver. What makes you say he's regressed?
  19. I wanted Stroud bro. I'm just...not panicking in game 3 when play calling has been shitter than the QB play. We don't have WRs that get a ton of separation, use motion to get more separation presnap. We saw success in up tempo. Do that more.
  20. I mean he has but this just proves my point that any chance of talking rational with you is moot.
  21. you'd like that if i were nicole wouldn't you? fill your little freak fantasy with that picture?
  22. it's...game 3 and he has improved but I doubt I'm gonna change your mind so we'll just agree to disagree yeah?
  23. with how many times you've posted this picture, how many times do you use it when you're alone at night?
  24. Ohhh man baby quote those boxscores at me harder yes QBs are only as good as their yards/tds/ints
  25. Prototype QB coming into an underprepared league (and let's not forget how iffy cam looked in year 2) vs a pocket rolling QB coming into a leauge that's adapted ot that style of play. Sure, question the pick. I wanted Stroud so I will. But I haven't seen anything that made me think Bryce can't adapt wit ha stronger team around him. We're stuck with him for two more years, why just groan and gripe?
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