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Bob NC

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  1. Well, somebody is going to have to call the front office and ask to speak to the manager.
  2. But, I hear they've added a credit department at most locations.
  3. The whole 'Leader of Men' thing is greatly overrated.
  4. Yes, they both did their finest coaching after mathematical elimination.
  5. Snow always makes me hungry for French Toast.
  6. That is w w w wrong on so many l l l l evels
  7. The sideline reporter said that is what he told his team in the locker room at half time.
  8. Then don't, and we can win without hearing your verbal diarrhea
  9. The refs spot the ball for the birds and run. When they spot the ball for the Panthers they stand and block it until the cardinals set their defense.
  10. Go ask 28 teams if it's too late. The dipshitedness here astounds me
  11. Great. In addition to a stupid challenge we stop the clock and give them another play or 2
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