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Doc Holiday

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About Doc Holiday

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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  1. I don’t know why the media doesn’t think Bryce is the issue. Certainly can’t say that after this game today
  2. They were the best of days. I can’t believe we are where we are now. I almost bought after the NFC championship game. We were going to be the next dynasty in football.. I’m so fuging sad about how every thing has gone to poo since then
  3. I’m tired of the defense of Bryce, you can make all the excuses for him that you want. But he’s been out right terrible this season, his very first pass that was intercepted was 100% on him, he had a clean pocket, plenty of time to throw and still threw an absolute turn of a pass. He hasn’t shown a damn thing while in the Panthers uniform, I don’t care about what he did in college, he is responsible for himself. He had excuses last year, this year there are none. He is the issue this year with the offense and that’s why he got benched.
  4. I’ll always be a fan of the Panthers, but definitely finding other things to do and teams to follow while we suck.
  5. Overly dramatic post here. But yeah Bryce is definitely not the answer.
  6. Man, I love the Panthers as much as anyone but I’ll be glad to wipe away my disappointment with $34 million if I sucked as bad as him as the Panthers QB
  7. I don’t feel bad for him one bit, he’s making more this year alone than I’ll ever make. He’s playing a sport for a living. Dudes got it made
  8. If you thought the offense was gonna be anything but bland tonight you were expecting too much lol
  9. Meh. Jeff Bezos owning a team would be interesting. Just from the seeing how unlimited money behind a team would look. but I don’t think the owners want someone that rich in their club either.
  10. I don’t know why we didn’t take Wilson with the 3rd. I know the injury history but we also had Thomas Davis on this team.
  11. Getting the 2nd round pick next year was huge. Definitely like the trade
  12. Bill showed us this is the most important thing to do for 20 years in New England and it’s like they’ve finally starting to realize this is what matters. if we protected Cam better and doesn’t get that injury we are completely different team today.
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