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Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. It's getting chippy. Gotta stay smart but I have feeling gloves are gonna drop soon.
  2. Seriously, tho, WTF? For once, Svech didn't actually do anything...
  3. Why exactly is Svech in the box after that?!?
  4. KK and dumb passes go together like peas and carrots.
  5. This game might come down to who has the biggest chode!
  6. I think it has to do with the whole 2 Aho's thing... Paradox Psychosis
  7. I, for one, think the 2 Aho's should have a highlander style battle to decide who gets to stay in the NHL...
  8. Yo Illya... how many goals are you gonna give up in the first 4 minutes?
  9. Anybody got any penicillin? ...cause our D is on fire!!!
  10. The master and his protégé go into battle together!
  11. Weaksauce! Dylan Coghlan come on down... *shivers in disgust*
  12. Katrina did more to win that SB than Brees or Payton...
  13. As much as I want Kane, I vote Bo just for the meme opportunities...
  14. Mr. Anderson been watching Neo's tape while he was on the mend...
  15. Darn Martyman whiffed bad on a 3v1!
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