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Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. Oh yes, wise sage Scot, we are all waiting on pins and needles for your responses... what with how rare they are and all. You are usually so stingy with your opinions that they carry more weight than the gospels themselves.
  2. Wilks would've kept our picks and drafted AR.
  3. I've thrown in the towel on Frank the HC.
  4. Because he's a lilly white preacher that doesn't make the locals feel too uncomfortable...
  5. Don't forget that Kane and many of the other 'hawks stars vehemently defended the coaching staff there until the truth finally saw the light of day...
  6. Class traitor covering for the bosses like a good petit bourgeois toadie...?
  7. I hope Jayden makes it just to hear people try (and butcher) that last name...
  8. Maybe we should try a 2QB system to help Bryce out...
  9. Meant to tell you guys, I got a call from old Donny Wads...
  10. Huh, so what you are saying is that a bad coach can make players look worse than they are...?
  11. @rayzor explain to me why im wrong in my opinions or delete the post if it violates the rules. But dont be a coward and hide behind your warning button because someone makes a point you don't agree with.
  12. Why? Because you don't think it's true? Or because you don't want it to be true?
  13. I forgot, the guy who hasn't been able to hold down a job since stepping off of Aaron Rodgers coattails is a God amongst coaches... lmao
  14. How many times have we as Panthers fans witnessed firsthand players "forgetting how to play" (aka regressing) due to poo coaching? Damn near every player on our team "forgot how to play" under Rhule. Then, they all magically remembered once he was fired. We had a coach who knew how to maximize the talent of his players. Unfortunately, Tepper is a shrewd enough business man to recognize that half his teams fan base would rather lose with a white man in charge than win with a fiery black man at the helm. We strung Wilks along for months when they had no intention of hiring him and brought in a soft spoken white preacherman who makes the fans feel more comfortable. We were damn near a playoff team last season with only 10 weeks of solid coaching. Daboll turned around the Giants from day 1. Meanwhile,we got fans ready to sign up for another one of Jay Z's patented 7 year plans...
  15. Good lord yall are some sensitive ass bitches! Better grow a spine, a pair and/or some thick skin because youre gonna be hearing these jokes for decades. If Bryce Da 5'9" is half the qb yall believe him to be, people will still be making these jokes at his HOF induction in Canton. If he flames out early or turns out to be nothing more than Dwarf Cousins, the Panthers will be the punchline every year in Indy when they measure the qbs.
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