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Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. I agree and disagree... corny redneck is my bread and butter. But, Ric Flair is a cringey tool who has no sports fandom loyalty. Fug Flair!
  2. 1st ️ ( 2 goals, 1 assist) 2nd ️ (1 goal, 1 assist, +1 20:19 TOI) 3rd ️ (1 goal, 1000s of wet panties)
  3. how dare you Nino?!? After all we did for you!?!
  4. Anderson been watching Kucci's tape?
  5. So I missed the whole sequence... Let me get this straight, -Dirty knee to knee hit to Nookie at center ice -No whistle -Brawl ensues -No whistle -Jets player not fighting get the puck -No whistle -3 on 1 ensues -Stil no whistle -Puck goes in net -Horn -Goal stands ...Is that correct?!?
  6. Yikes! I'm listening on the radio, so when Tripp said he was struggling to get to the bench, all I could think was here we go again... Hope Jarvy is good
  7. Drury is centering the 4th line tonight, so we'll get to see if he is ready to contribute or not.
  8. Fug it, put him on the shelf until next May. Give the big man as much time as he needs, plus as we learned from the Lightning, there's no salary cap in the playoffs!
  9. Nice to see Chatty skating again. Take your time sweet prince...
  10. I was worried when they showed the replay and it was non contact... I didn't want to speculate and put some bad juju out there. But, when a pro athlete just comes up lame on a routine play, it usually a bad sign. I'm sad to hear that my gut feeling was right. Heal up Svech! Win 1 For The Gimper!!!
  11. Our scheme has never been that intricate or complex. If we are on our game, it is hard to stop, but nights like this it doesn't allow a player to put the team on their back when we need it. Aho and Necas both have the ability to take over a game but our system makes them too unselfish to actually do it.
  12. No urgency from start to finish... smdh! At least I've got a disc golf tournament to watch tonight to take my mind off this garbage showing...
  13. Great chance there, but Fast on the breakaway with Aho is exactly why people are calling for Waddells head.
  14. I haven't been impressed with Poolparty so far... 6'4" 201 lbs, 29 shifts and 26+ minutes on the ice so far without a single hit. Can't stand dudes who are big for no reason!
  15. Gonna need a couple excavators for this one!!!
  16. Don's seat should definitely be getting hot!
  17. I absolutely love Kucci and still believe that he is our long term answer in net. But, he's got some poo he needs to work out. He has all the talent/athleticism to dominate, just needs to get the mental side of the game down and eliminate the WTF moments. I've never seen an NHL goalie spend so much time on their back...
  18. Jarvis has had a few great chances... gotta start burying those!
  19. We're all reactionaries on GameDay! Perspective is for days off... lmao
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