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Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. Rare misplay from Burns in a really dangerous spot.
  2. I still think, if you intentionally injure a player, you should automatically be suspended for at least as many games as that player misses. Trouba should be on the shelf to start next season.
  3. Nah, it's real bro. Most people don't know that Edmond Rostand's classic play was originally titled "Timono de Bergerac."
  4. First post disappeared... not sure if the mods deleted or what... either way...
  5. If he tries really hard, and stops fuging lying, maybe one day he'll get to be a real boy!
  6. Lmao... Pavelski with 4 goals, Domi with 3 assists and even a Hakinpaa sighting... you'd think Dallas was dominating. Unfortunately Oettenger went full on swiss cheese!
  7. Holy poo... 6 goals total in the 1st period?!? Goalies with a combined .739 save%...
  8. Nah, one of Dundon's first moves as owner was to cancel our affiliation with the most storied southern hockey market, in his brand new backyard so he could put some sweet blue flame seatcovers on his private jet.
  9. It should be a fun one. And having a few resident Devils fans in the mix will definitely make this board more entertaining for the next couple weeks. However, since I like you guys, I feel I must warn you. Once the puck drops and my consciousness disassociates into the greater whole that is Caniac Nation, I can no longer be held responsible for the thoughts that flow through my fingertips, into my keyboard and onto this beautiful thought space. It may be vulgar or violent or even distasteful. But it comes from a place of love! Such is the beauty of twisted fanaticism. I once shared such love for the Panthers. I even caused a family of 4 to leave the stadium early by screaming for the defense to eat Mike Evans babies. An overweight used car salesman took that love from me. I haven't offended onlookers with the vitriolic outpouring of the greater, collective Panther in years! Rather than lament what I have lost I chose to reinvest that psychic energy into something more deserving of my ecstatic dissolution! I may insult your state, your players, your coach, your fans or even your sensibilities. Just know that, deep down, once the final horn blows, I still love you! And, to prove it, here is the musical styling of Shirtless Dougie Hamilton... 1619155585496.mp4
  10. It was pretty reassuring seeing Timo back on the ice. He's been MIA since the Trade deadline!
  11. Lmao I switched back to this tab for this exact reaction!
  12. Why do I feel like the Panthers are gonna commit a "penalty" *nudge nudge* to open the OT period?!?
  13. Carolina South ties it with under a minute!
  14. If it was within the rules, I'm pretty sure RBA would've already run a 2G-3D-1C lineup... lmao
  15. If you had Aho leading the team in hits and Martinook leading with 7 SOG after 60 minutes on your bingo card, please report to MK Ultra...
  16. I didn't realize Goodell cared so much...
  17. It's gotta be annoying af playing against Jordan Martinook!
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