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Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. Nah bro! This dude with 1 goal in 7 games in 3 seasons is forreal forreal the missing peice we need to finally hoist...
  2. Canes Acquire David Kase From Philadelphia HOFPGMDW out chea skatin circles around the rest of the NHL suits!!! STAN LEAK UP!!!
  3. Cory, whoever you are, the world does not deserve such divine poetry. The muses applaud you!
  4. Haula’s Bracelet Is A Clear Warning For The Hurricanes Lmao The whole thing is worth a read! I legitimately lolled more than a few times...
  5. That's why my sewn on authentic has my own last name on it... I'll buy the replicas and t-shirts for players that might not last. Aho and Slavin are probably safe to buy at this point. But, if you really want your money's worth, get a Staal sweater with some velcro numbers you can change out as we cycle through the family!
  6. Try to go against all of your NYC refugee instincts, and actually listen to the locals when you move there... lol
  7. A lot of valid and fair discussion ITT about what Tony brings and his limitations. I was very much against signing TDA in the 1st place. His reputation preceded him and I was worried he would be a malignant force in team culture and identity. The opposite was true. The culture changed him for the better and he fit in well on the ice to boot. Here's the thing that hasn't been brought up yet... We all watched (or didnt) the Florida Panthers play for a cup because our team was too soft to punch the bully in the face and make them look like the little bitch they always were. Getting a 6th dman that... a) doesn't mind dropping a shoulder or the gloves and taking a game misconduct or 2 and b) doesn't hurt your game plan if he's not out there on the ice ...is exactly the type of unheralded move that can pay huge dividends in the playoffs! TLDR: if TDA sleeps Tchachfug in game 1, we win the ECF and are probably touring the world with a big shiny metal cup right now!
  8. I don't believe there is a word for 'retire' in Thunderbayanese...
  9. I will never let this happen! DON'T TAKE MY DADDY FROM ME!!!
  10. Can't cut him until 2027... hope he can hold up!
  11. Fug PK Subban!!! Good on Tripp for calling him out!
  12. Bottom line: Every fanbase but one has this feeling every season. For some teams' fans, this despair starts sinking in around January. I don't miss those days! Yeah, we're all pissed! But, we made it damn near to June before feeling this way. Our team staved it off longer than all but 2 others. Twas a hell of a season boys and girls!
  13. Fuuuuck Gary Bettman with a rusty pickaxe!!
  14. One period with the season on the line... Time to nut up boys! Load up the top line and leave it all on the ice!!!
  15. This is objectively true! Most people don't realize that before the series, Waddell contacted the Wachowski sisters to get a few of those handy dandy red pills. Then Dundon and Wads snuck into the Panthers facility and spiked Bob's water bottles. They had just rewatched Matrix 4 and thought if they could get Bob to slip into bullet-time then he would dodge all the pucks coming at him and we could win each game by a 10 goal margin. Unfortunately, it turned out that Bob was actually an anagram for The Obb and he was the messaih that zion was promised all along. Instead of dodging the pucks in bullet-time, he learned to stop them in their tracks. I don't know wtf Wads was thinking, really! fuging cheap ass watch ruined our only chance to ever win a cup!
  16. Who just smashed their stick going down the tunnel? The most fire I've seen from a canes player in ages!
  17. fug Bettman fug Canada fug zebras burn it all down!
  18. Pair Chatty up with Pesce... I'm fed up with Skjei.
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