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Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. If only one of their alumni had sweatshops full of athletic shoes to help the poor guys out...
  2. The way he's played against us, the Wolfpack Club would probably throw in some NIL $ to make that happen!
  3. Lmao... Mr Heisman got butterfingers?
  4. Came off as someone making excuses for why their team keeps losing to "Lil Bro" to me. Maybe it was.
  5. Nah, it's super real! I heard that KK and the other Finns kept calling Jarvis "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and he finally snapped and screamed, "I'm not even American, bros!" Aho didn't like that at all. He and Raanta gave Seth a swirly until he admitted he loved Apple pie. I think that's how Auntie hurt his shoulder TBH...
  6. Hope it doesn't mess with the team chemistry... Rod needs to get a handle on his squad!
  7. Did he say something, or just practice observations?
  8. This makes the most sense, honestly.
  9. Raanta tries to leave the ice for the extra attacker just now... Rod: Get your ass back out there! You made this mess!
  10. Is he punishing him at this point by leaving him in? Or is he punishing us?
  11. Yep. I get he likes to let guys play through it, but it was obvious Raants was off well before this game got out of hand.
  12. Turn the team over to Kucci for this next stretch. Let him play every night for a few weeks and see if he's ready to be the guy. Might have to anyways. I've never seen Raant as this bad. He might have hurt something the other night.
  13. You know it's bad when Tripp is criticizing a fellow goalie... lol
  14. Lmao Think I found Tony's burner... Dude is spamming every post with a "miss me yet" post about 77...
  15. Eh, I think some of that is Him realizing that they are going to put Him in timeout a few times a game regardless, so He might as well earn a few of them.
  16. The way the refs have been calling this, that "if" is doing some real heavy lifting.
  17. He wanted to give the defense a chance o get back and get set. It's more sporting that way.... anyone can score on a 2v1 silly!
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