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About Stumpy

  • Birthday 06/10/1987

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  1. I am glad to hear that her career has not been ruined by that situation. I have a few friends that grew up with her. She got a lot of undeserved vitriol and harassment over that whole incident.
  2. From the rumors in training camp, to the 1 week "tryout" to start the season, Blake has given me some serious Seth Jarvis vibes! It's not easy for an unheralded rookie to look like the belong, much less stand out, against and next to experienced veterans. We found another good one!
  3. This could go a long way, depending on what we'd have to give up...
  4. TBF... what the new additions did last doesn't really matter. This season, those guys have... Blake (7), Carrier (4), Gostisbehere (6), Robinson (8), Roslovic (14), Walker (2), which adds up to 41 goals less than halfway through this season. The issue ain't the departures or the new guys. It's our stars disappearing for weeks at a time and the injuries and inconsistency in net. Take care of those 2 things and we'll be back to the world beaters that we looked like the first 2 months of the season.
  5. I'm pretty sure that just got me back to zero...
  6. Was considering it, but since you called it, I'll go Staal.
  7. Im at work... unfortunately. Got the game on now, though. Gotta put some shots on net!
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