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About Stumpy

  • Birthday 06/10/1987

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. That game was on Rod. We looked completely discombobulated and wholly unprepared. They took away our bread and butter, and we had no answer to it.
  2. The system always trying to keep a Harvard grad down.
  3. Who needs net front when you outskate everyone including the goalie!
  4. Good pressure so far, but zero net front presence... At least we get to whip out the pp.
  5. It's both. No chemistry = no anticipation = slow play
  6. With ~7 shots in 40 minutes, I'd say these new lines ain't lining, Rod!
  7. Robinson with the easiest goal he's ever scored! Necas with a masterful play!
  8. Svech crosschecking a ref, Chatty in lala land and a breakaway finding the back of the net. All in less than 20 seconds. Kind of morbidly impressive...
  9. You didn't answer the question. But, your seething rage is telling.
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