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Everything posted by joemac

  1. I don’t understand that mindset. What does that even mean, “to what end?” The end is to be a good, well rounded football team, and win games. If Baker plays up to his potential he can be a franchise QB. And he threw 27 TDs his rookie year, so it’s not a huge stretch he could throw 5 or 6 more here and get above 30. IDK man. I guess I’m just pretty bullish on our chances this year. I have watched the preparation for literally every single season of Panthers football since it’s inception, and I think I have a pretty good feel for when we’re gonna be decent and when we’re not. Obviously we’ve got some holes, as every team does, and obviously, historically Rhule has not been a great coach when it counts, but it is possible for things to chance and people to improve. I guess we will see what happens when the rubber meets the road very soon.
  2. Someone really tried to compare CMC to Gurley lol? TG's knee was bone on bone when he was at UGA. Thats totally absurd.
  3. I dont recall him dropping any passes, ever. Now, im sure it has happened, but his total drop numbers for his entire career have to be under 5.
  4. Well hes a REALLY GOOD RB too...so you would kinda be chopping yourself off at the knees if you just made him a WR strictly. However I could see some kinda Deebo situation, only reverse where instead of being a "Wide Back", hes a "Running Receiver". Those quick hitters he gets almost every game right up the gut are too valuable to completely take away. IDK....its a tough situation to be in. Fingers crossed he stays completely healthy this year and we tear teams up on offense. We definitely have the pieces right now to make it happen.
  5. I have a feeling he indeed will be stunting on all these hos all season long. Hes due for a healthy, monster year this season. Its not like hes had any major, surgery requiring injuries like an ACL or a torn Achilles or anything...its just been a bunch of nagging bullshit. And I have a feeling that had we been in the hunt down the stretch these past 2 seasons, we would have seen him play more.
  6. Yeah I figured. I lived in Mountain Time for a few years and I quite enjoyed getting up and watching the Panthers play at 11 AM.
  7. 2 of those 3 are home games, which makes the 4pm start even weirder
  8. Only being favored by 2, at home, against a team starting their backup QB is not a very good thing. Traditionally the home team is given a 3 point advantage....
  9. Thats bold, but if anybody can approach those numbers its CMC. Assuming he plays all or most all of the games this year, I am predicting 2300 total yards and 20 TDs.
  10. I mean anything can happen. Brady could get blasted the first game and be out for the season. The NFL is so unpredictable year after year, and there is always regression to the mean. There are always surprise teams that nobody expected to do well, that make a run in the playoffs. We've got a lot of talent on the roster, and they seem hungry and to have the right attitude. All of it is gonna hang on Rhule, and if he can put his big boy pants on. I'm excited though.
  11. I love what hes done thus far. Hes a breath of fresh air in comparison to who we had before him. Gettleman and Hurney. I love that Fitt is not afraid to take risks, make big trades and swing for the fences.
  12. LMAO what the hell? If i wanted to go do that with my wife and 2 kids it would cost 1400 goddamn dollars.
  13. His last name is really Blackcock?
  14. I hope we plan on running more 5 wide sets this year. Perhaps even flex CMC out there instead of TMJ or Smith.
  15. Yup. Was a QB in college, right?
  16. I imagine they will keep CJ on the PS.
  17. Bro get over it. That was last offseason. We’ve moved on. Nobody bats 1.000
  18. Lol that’s not Kid Rock. Kid Rock is bahwitdaba da bang da bang diddy
  19. It’s even got sound effects! Dude is moaning while getting a handy from his buddy!
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