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Everything posted by joemac

  1. Oh poo son. Why not McAdoo too and go for the clean sweep?
  2. Im one more Baker Mayfield shitfest of a game away from being fine with Sam playing when hes healthy....and I NEVER thought I would say that. At least Sam, sometimes, has the ability to have a decent game. Baker has just stunk the joint up every single game so far. If we had even an average QB we would be 3-1 at the worst right now.
  3. Well thats not quite true...he has had an impact, alright. Just a very very negative one.
  4. He definitely was. We had something resembling a real NFL offense when he was the QB. Not much of that since.
  5. If we could have paired McAdoo's NFL experience with Brady's brain, we might have ourselves a decent OC. I think Joe will eventually be very successful in the NFL, we just threw him to the wolves way too soon. And even then, he was light years better than what we have had since he was let go.
  6. I think the situation is a LITTLE more nuanced than that, but I see your point...
  7. We're gonna get beat by 50 points on Sunday. Its gonna be biblical.
  8. If the Process is for us to obtain the number 1 pick and to send Rhules sorry ass back to college somewhere, i'd say its working swimmingly.
  9. Unfortunately I have watched all of them thus far. Its just jarring to see how terrible Baker has been compared to his peers. Historically awful.
  10. At this point just ride Rhule and Mayfield right to CJ Stroud or Bryce Young. fug it. The season is already over anyways and its the first week of October. Absolutely shameful. But, just keep the status quo, THEN poo-can Rhule and get a real coach in here to mentor our QB of the future.
  11. Im assuming Chicago is the only offense in the same shitty league as ours? Fields is even worse than Baker so far. At least he has the excuse of being young and inexperienced.
  12. Hopefully this is the year that Tepper finally gets the message and poo-cans Rhule. Also, by some stroke of good luck, this happens to be a REALLY good year to be a really shitty team in need of a new franchise QB. So, we may just back our way into really helping the team move in the right direction. We get a top 2 or 3 pick, get Stroud/Young/Levis/whatever, then we get a new, offensive minded coach, and begin to heal all our old wounds.
  13. Yeah lol, I need to delete this thread. I feel bad about myself now.
  14. LOL we're not even a 5 win team right now. I feel bad for even making this thread looking back. Baker and McAdoo have been the drizzling shits, and I don't see it changing anytime soon.
  15. Yeah, same here. Its almost like an abusive relationship at this point. I just keep coming back for more abuse. At some point I have to stop pointing the finger at the abuser and take a long hard look in the mirror and figure why I keep coming back. The weather here in Texas has finally taken a turn for the nice, and the golf course is starting to look mighty inviting for a Sunday afternoon. Just about had it with these jabronies, I know that...
  16. My bad. Yeah. This poo is fuged up. 90% of this organization has got to go. Hire a veteran NFL guy to oversee the rebuild.
  17. He REALLY needs to stop tackling the guy when he gets beat deep. That’s 2 times in 4 games on some bullshit
  18. He’s really bad man. I had some hope based off what he did in Cleveland but damn. He’s garbage.
  19. Put Sam in and let him command the tank to 2-15 and CJ Stroud. fug it. It’s week 4 and we’re completely done.
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