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Everything posted by joemac

  1. Why would they want Cam Akers? They've already got literally the same player in CEH.
  2. I am all in on the suck this year. Its an especially good time to be the worst team in the NFL, considering that Miami doesn't get their first round pick, so having the number 1 pick is actually like having number 1 and number 32 this year. So, 2 firsts for the price of 1!
  3. We'd probably be in last place in the SEC East right now too.
  4. It’s possible to call a black player a dipshit and not be a racist.
  5. Good riddance. Get that fuging bum outta here.
  6. Me too LOL. I didn't think NFL offensive football got any worse than that. Boy was I wrong.
  7. He's listed at 5'11" to 6'0" depending on the website. And 194 pounds, which after watching him play a ton, I find that REALLY hard to believe. We will know his true measurables once he goes to the combine. Im thinking right at 5'11" and 185-ish lbs. But really, this is all less of a concern than it used to be. The SEC has NFL size players all over the field and he does not seem to have issues with batted balls or finding throwing lanes. Very intriguing prospect, no doubt.
  8. Well being smart and great at reading defenses in college football puts him way ahead of the curve already. Thats usually a weakness of most CFB QBs coming out. Plus Young has got elite mobility, pocket awareness, accuracy and plus arm strength. The ONLY knock on him is his size, which is a huge issues to be honest. If Young were 6 foot 2 there would be no question he would be the consensus number 1, and be viewed as a Luck/Lawrence type prospect. But, hes only 5'11" on a good day, and about 175-180. Its concerning. I like Stroud over Young, but would not be upset with either of them.
  9. Dalton Kincaid from Utah has been putting on a show this year. He's a TE to keep an eye on in this draft. Also, the guy for UGA, although I'm not sure if hes draft eligible this season.
  10. How quickly people forget the legend of Joe "Willy" Namath. QB - Alabama. SMH. This is a joke, btw.
  11. Yes - we HAVE to get a QB, this draft. No if's, and's or but's. We cannot continue on this QB path as a franchise. There will not be a fanbase left when (if?) they eventually figure it out. If we do get a guy like Will Anderson, what do you propose we do at QB next year?
  12. It IS overrated, however 3 of our best defensive players were out yesterday, so that does not help matters.
  13. I can admit when I am wrong.
  14. This team, as currently assembled, is going NOWHERE. More and more I understand that it’s time to blow the whole damn thing up and start over. Anybody who’s enticing to another team should be available for a trade. Burns, Chinn, CMC, Anderson, Brown, Jackson….whatever. They’ve obviously given up this year. Let’s stack firsts and seconds and whatever the hell we can get for these dudes and start over with an actual real QB. Today was embarrassing.
  15. If we can get 2 firsts for those 2 dudes then let’s get it. At this point I’m down with blowing the whole damn thing up. This team is a team of losers. Even the good players. Trade who you can trade, get a bunch of picks, and start the fug over. Because this team here ain’t it.
  16. I still believe we’re a pretty good team with a real QB, HC and OC
  17. How do you figure that? There are multiple franchise QB type guys in this years draft, and we’re barreling towards the number 1 pick. Get Stroud, get a real coach and OC, and right the ship. It’s not that bad
  18. LOL yeah you're right. Not a big fan of bringing Quinn in. It just seems.....mediocre to me. Now, Harbaugh on the other hand, sign me the fug up. Hes a great coach, and proved how good he is with the 49ers. Pairing Harbaugh with a QB like Stroud or Young could lead to big things.
  19. Eason has a fuging rocket for an arm. He can really fire it. However I don't think he knows where its going to go 50% of the time.
  20. Is it really sounding like Fitt is gone too? Where did you see that at? I haven't seen anything that indicated that.
  21. It's probably gonna be somebody like Dan Quinn. Honestly I don't know how I feel about that...
  22. IDK if I agree with that. I think overall the roster IS better than when Rhule took over. Especially on the defensive side, and on the o-line. We were a real mess by the end of Riveras tenure.
  23. What I got out of it is that there was never the "adult in the room" so to speak. There was no veteran NFL guy at the top to tell these 3 rookie bozos that what they are doing is idiotic, and is not going to work in the NFL. A rookie owner, rookie GM and rookie HC is a recipe for disaster, and that is exactly what happened. Hopefully Tepper has learned from this mistake and will do the opposite this time around. Also, I don't think Fitterer deserves much of the blame in this whole mess. I think by in large he has been a very aggressive, good GM. So, hopefully Tepper decides to keep Fitterer and let him have a big hand in choosing our next coach.
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