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Everything posted by joemac

  1. Hey guys, I hear Jon Gruden is available for the right price.
  2. YIKES - the whole caveat to this is that New Orleans still holds his rights till after the 2024 season, and would likely require a huge trade package to get him....thats even if they gave us permission to speak with him in the first place. As nice as SP would be here, it was always a fantasy.
  3. Nice, but the caveat to that is we probably only have a handful of players signed to the roster...
  4. It really is a huge gamble for them. Because they still won't have a 1st in 2023 because of the Lance deal, right? So they will be down their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th picks in the 2023 draft as it stands now, and I imagine really backed up against the salary cap. If they don't win it all in the next 2 years, that team could crumble into a Panthers level poo show really quickly.
  5. We have 18 million dollars in dead cap for CMC in 2023. After that hes cleared off the books. Which is good because if we had kept him his salary for the next 3 years is at least 15 mil per season. We will take our lumps on the cap next season, but 2024 and beyond we should be flush with cash.
  6. Yeah, this hurts, but at least we don't have to watch CMC get stuffed up the middle on the goal line, and fail on 3rd down over and over and over again. Nice little haul, the 49ers better win it all this year, because they pretty much have traded their entire draft away next year.
  7. Bruh. They all threw less than 8 picks. All in at least the high 60’s completion percentage. And Young has the most yards and TDs, aka the stats that actually matter. There is no way you can say Tua and Mac had way better stats than Young when he had more yards and more TDs with comparable everything else. If anything it’s a wash between the 3.
  8. So Tuas best year at Alabama was his Sophomore year. He had: 69% - 3966 yards - 43 TDs - 6 INTS Mac Jones best year was his Junior year 77.4% - 4500 yards - 41 TDs - 4 INTs Bryce's only full year starting was last year and he went for : 66.9% - 4872 yards - 47 TDs - 7 INTs - and this year is looking to be in line with his stats from last year, he has almost the exact same rating now as he did all last year. So how do you get that Tua and Jones had way better stats? Young has the most yards and most TDs in a season. INT numbers are comparable. Only thing Mac does better is completion percentage, and Tua and Bryce are pretty much the same. Overall it appears that Young has the better stats.
  9. Looking like the chatter on Twitter is picking up tremendously on the CMC trade front. Hopefully we get multiple teams bidding and we can get at least a first, if not more. Who knows what a team like Philly, with resources to blow, would be willing to give up for an All-Pro level offensive player that could put them over the hump. Things could be getting very interesting here soon...
  10. Shaq, Robbie, CMC, and who knows who else? Burns? Moore?
  11. I think the whole school thing is highly overrated. I saw a breakdown someone did recently of all the starting QBs in the league and where they went to college. Something like 28 different schools were represented out of the 32 starters. Might have been slightly lower than 28, but not by much.
  12. Its TOTALLY not a fire sale, y'all....we're just looking to deal every single player on our roster with any sort of skill and a big cap hit.
  13. Neither of them will be on the team next year.
  14. Who the fug has Geno Smith in the MVP conversation?!
  15. Who gives a poo about rushing? He’s a QB, not a RB, and he’s shown on a few plays he’s got the wheels to take it to the house. OSUs offense just doesn’t ask that of him.
  16. If Young was 6’4” 230 he’s be being talked about as the next true generational QB prospect. He’s that talented. The more I see of him the more I like. He’s like the Steph Curry of QBs. Dude is money.
  17. I'd miss him too, but productive RB's are a dime a dozen these days and be gotten in the 5th round. Hell, you can get a decent RB as an undrafted free agent now. The hopefully first round pick we would get in return for CMC is more valuable right now, IMO. Let him go chase a ring on a good team.
  18. If we can get a lower end first (or maybe 1 of Philly's firsts?) or maybe 2 2's or something like that, then so be it. Still, makes me kinda sad thinking "what if"...
  19. Damn, his mom said that she had NOT bought her plane ticket for the game this weekend yet. That is VERY telling. He's getting traded, guys. You could tell by his moms body language, facial expressions and things like that, that CMC has told her to expect something. And her saying something to the effect of he said "until something happens hes just recovering from the last game, and preparing for Tampa." Gonna hurt to see him leave, but I get it. He doesn't need even more years of his prime wasted trying to rebuild this poo show. Hopefully get a first round pick for him, and ship him somewhere where he has a chance to be successful and win a ring. Im looking at 3 teams - Philly, KC and Buffalo. Also possibly Baltimore. They could all afford to throw us a first and be fine.
  20. Hes been an absolute wall since the 2nd game.
  21. I just learned via the interwebs that it actually started as prison slang, like you said, over 20 years ago. You learn something new everyday.
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