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Everything posted by joemac

  1. Has Brian Burns even been active the last 3 games? He’s absolutely invisible
  2. What the fug are we even doing man?! Just wholly unprepared in every single facet of the game.
  3. Big shocker there. They’ve got to open it up and get Sanders the fug out of there
  4. Yep and yet me just ran into the back of the huge pile of bodies instead
  5. Because Zavala is BY FAR the worst OG in the NFL right now
  6. Did you see how often the Vikings were playing Cover 0 and just completely fuging our poo up last week? Yeah....thats gonna be the blueprint to kill us until we make teams pay for being so disrespectful.
  7. What about some kind of package involving Brian Burns?
  8. Dude. We're not going to lose every game. Yall are acting like we've just gotten our heads based in every game so far. We have been in every game. We have had a lead in every game. Its been down to the 4th quarter every game. We WILL click eventually. Probably in the 2nd half of the season. R-E-L-A-X
  9. Yep, hes really bad at the OC side of things. He needs to hand the reigns to Brown ASAP. Also, it seems as if hes giving Bryce 2 plays in the huddle with the amount of "killing" Bryce is doing, which means hes killing the first play called, and going to the 2nd. Just dumb it down for a while and get the team in the goddamn end zone for a change.
  10. There is a big difference between trusting a Dalton type player for 1 game, which we lost by the way, than completely throwing your hands up and giving up on your first overall pick QB. Despite what some here want you to think, Bryce is not playing terribly. He has not completely poo the bed yet, and we have not gotten blown out in any of his 3 starts. I think we all would like more points to be scored, but the simple fact is that we are 3 games in. Bryce, and us fans, are going to have to take our lumps while he learns on the job. Its that simple.
  11. We're not going to see that again unfortunately. They have moved from a power blocking scheme (which the line was built upon, and is their strength) to a zone blocking scheme for some retarded reason.
  12. He really was not very critical of Bryce except on that one play.
  13. Yes, that was 1 play, after Bryce and the o line had been Cover 0 blitzed to freaking death all game long. But it seemed like Bryce even saw it still and pumped like he was going to throw the double move, but just didn't.
  14. I think if they can get Corbett back healthy, get Brady back healthy, or just make it so that Zavala never plays LG again, and find one decent playmaker at WR we can be a functional offense. Until then, its gonna be grim.
  15. Is that what I said? We just need anybody who can get open against man coverage, or anybody who is even a little bit of a sudden, quick athlete. Also would help if the offensive line were not playing like turnstiles at Carowinds. I never said Bryce is playing great, but he is getting next to no help from anybody else either.
  16. Well yeah? Dalton is a 10+ year former Pro Bowler and Bryce has played 12 quarters of professional football. Who would you trust more?
  17. Watch the QB School video I just posted and you tell me WTF Bryce is supposed to do on most of those plays.
  18. You guys should watch this. Bryce is trying to make chicken salad out of dogshit. It was bad to watch on Sunday and its even worse today. Bryce left some plays on the field for sure, but he is getting ZERO help from anybody 90% of the time....they have GOT to make a move for some speed and talent on the outside or we are screwed
  19. Andy Dalton threw the ball 58 times that game, and had less Yards per Attempt than Bryce did last game...
  20. Well you are going to get a lot of that when the offensive line is dogshit, the WRs get no separation, and thats what his coaches are calling.
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