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Everything posted by joemac

  1. Completely unrelated to this topic - yo @Jeremy Igo what the hell is up with this ad?!
  2. I mean he had 60 something catches and over 600 yards. He can’t be that terrible. He didn’t score last year but had 5 his rookie year. The Jags were a poo show last year so I’ll give him a pass for that. Excited to see what he’s got. I doubt we gave up much of anything to get him, so why not?
  3. Oh no lol. Don’t go ballistic. You’re already one of the most negative people on here. What are you gonna do? Complain more?
  4. Seems like hes got a lot of potential. Had a pretty decent rookie year, and then put up similar numbers, minus the TDs last year. But the Jags last year were a complete poo show, so he gets a mulligan on that one.
  5. His knees must be shot. Hes got a really good arm, but hes like an oak tree back there.
  6. With how amazing he is reviewing film and being mentally prepared, and getting the entire D in the right position, he would be one helluva defensive coordinator one day.
  7. Your coach is Dennis Allen, who somehow, is even worse than Rhule. You have fun with that.
  8. Well, when you run a lawless, illegal, poo organization for a decade, those are the consequences.
  9. Do these Saints jabronis have a Google alert set up for Drew Brees or something? WTF?
  10. What does that have to do with anything? Baker was the first overall pick in his draft. With a draft loaded with good QBs. He would never be in that position to begin with. I’m not hating on Matt. I think he’s got loads of potential. But him playing this year was never gonna happen. Sam woulda started all year if we didn’t get Baker. Matt just isn’t ready. And that’s ok.
  11. He was never going to get a chance to “compete” this year regardless. Period. He’s a 3rd round rookie who was completely overwhelmed when he did get a chance. Are you serious right now? Did you really think he was gonna somehow compete against Baker and Sam and actually win the starting QB job? He’s not Russell Wilson. And if you actually thought he had a shot to do that you’re more delusional than I thought.
  12. I cannot believe someone, in the year of our lord 2022, actually said with a straight face than Jameis motherfuging Winston is going to be a Hall of Famer. Put the pipe down homie, holy poo
  13. He threw 30 interceptions the last full season he played. Get the fug outta here.
  14. Yeah man. I don’t think he’s the incompetent retard some of you do. I think he’s got the ability to turn it around and I’m really hoping he does. This year is by far the most talented team he’s had top to bottom. And if he doesn’t produce, he will be gone. But damn some of y’all are just so negative it’s getting absurd.
  15. Who the fug are you talking to bro? When have I ever “flooded the forums” with any kind of threads like that? I barely start any threads and if I do, it’s nothing like that. And as for that comparison, it’s a valid one based on their stats their first 4 years starting. Actually Baker has more yards and TDs. So….yeah.
  16. Uhhhh no. Baker started 1 more game than Brees with their first teams. Both started 4 seasons. Baker had more yards and more TDs than Brees. Baker threw 3 more INTs. I mean it’s in the first post of this thread.
  17. I know man, poo. God forbid the fan base get excited about the first legit QB we’ve had in like 5 years. Everybody should just be quiet and miserable until we draft and develop a first round QB and Rhule gets fired.
  18. It is possible for a coach to learn from his mistakes, adapt and improve over time. Was he completely overwhelmed and out of his depth the first 2 years? Absolutely. Does that mean he can never become a successful NFL head coach for us? No it does not. I’m actually optimistic from what we’ve seen from him and the team this year so far. Say we go 10-7, and make the wild card this year….would everyone killing him day in and day out admit that he’s getting better? Or nah?
  19. No we should not. If Baker proves he’s that guy, we have bigger pressing needs than QB at that point. Namely LB and DE.
  20. I’m definitely not part of the tea and crumpet crowd, whatever that means. Only tea I drink is sweet tea and I’ve never had a crumpet in my damn life. I see the talent we have, and I see the best QB we’ve had in a LONG time. So, pardon some of us if we’re actually optimistic about our chances this year. It’s gotta be miserable going into a season actively thinking we’re gonna fail before the first game, even when we have as much talent as we do. I could see if we had a roster like Atlanta or some of these other teams, but we’ve actually got some real players up and down the lineup on both sides. And yeah I know “Rhule sucks”….but damn what if we actually turn it around this year? Wouldn’t that be something?
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