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Everything posted by joemac

  1. Yeah, id say Jaycee is far outplaying Fields at this point. Horn hardly ever even gets thrown at, and hes been really good in blitz and run defense situations.
  2. How does he have a history with Mayfield? Are you thinking of Higgins?
  3. Big Uce Luvu is the real Tribal Chief. Acknowledge Him.
  4. Passing offense wasn’t very good, but we ran for 145 and controlled the whole game. We were the better team and it was obvious. Our record is 1-2, BUT we are 2 55 yard plus FGs away from being 3-0. It’s still early and we won today. fug it, I’m drunk lol
  5. Still trying to figure out why we have almost completely stopped passing to CMC out of the backfield. It’s not like he’s one of the top 2 or 3 receiving RBs of all time or anything’s
  6. Shula is VASTLY superior as an OC to anything we’ve had the past few years. You don’t know what you got till it’s gone.
  7. Man the offense was rough for most of the game. Baker has played like dogshit for about 11 of the 12 quarters we’ve played
  8. Well I wish we would begin to identify as a team with a good offense for once.
  9. Does anybody know what Rhules supposed specialty even is supposed to be? Or is he just a jack of all trades "leader of men" type?
  10. He looks like Dennis Reynolds in the Its Always Sunny episode where him and Sweet Dee are smoking crack.
  11. This is not what 99.9% of men look like as they get older. This is some old other poo
  12. The Rothschilds and Heads of the Illuminati bow to these gentlemen. They are the true heads of the pyramid. The men behind the curtain. They are the Bogdonaff Twins.
  13. Poor Tommy is in the process of Bogging himself out. Many such cases.
  14. Ok, yeah fair point, but they were career years in the sense that he set career highs in passing yards and passing touchdowns. But damn, I just went back and looked at Elis stats, and he threw a poo ton of INTs some years. He had 3 seasons with more than 20 picks, and 2 with more than 25. 27 is his career high. Yikes. But yeah, McAdoo ain't hitting on poo so far with this offense.
  15. That must have been when he was HC, not OC. Because when he was OC they did not have any trouble moving the ball, especially thru the air. Manning had career years both years McAdoo was the Giants OC.
  16. There were, just not for the tanking allegations, I think.
  17. They can't really...and they didn't as far as I know. Pretty sure the NFL dropped the whole tanking angle from the Dolphin recent drama.
  18. Yeah but Tepper doesn't need to do anything, or make any requests to tank...he just has to keep the status quo and we're all but guaranteed to have the number 1 pick.
  19. Dude has played 5 pro games and given up a TOTAL of like 6 or 7 catches. The only time you even see him is when he commits a dumb penalty. QBs rarely even throw his way. TF yall talking about?
  20. Yeah its more arm angle and release point than height. Murray is a damn midget and he doesnt get many. Cam is 6'5" and he had the most in the league.
  21. Hes short AND he doesn't have an over the top delivery. Hes more 3/4 so they come out with a low trajectory. That being said, he only had 1 yesterday, right?
  22. Nah, they reset the stats on everyone’s account in 2008. Im about positive it was 03 when I joined.
  23. It’s a complete lack of killer instinct. A complete inability to keep your foot on the gas. Complete inability to put teams away, and a team that doesn’t have a single clue as to how to win games. It starts and end with Rhule and his “culture”.
  24. Also the fact that we've had a lead in like 18 of the last 20 games (second only to KC), and have only won 5 of those.
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