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Everything posted by joemac

  1. Mere technicalities. A deal will be agreed to in principle. How bout dat?
  2. You likely hated him because he ate our lunch year after year, right? Welcome to the Dark Side. It’s fun over here.
  3. But nobody died. And if you think NO was the only team doing something like that, then…. Also, the NFL is violent by design. They’re trying to hurt the other team every play, regardless of what they say to the media. It’s a big boy sport.
  4. We’re hiring SP on Friday or whenever Tepper meets with him in NYC. Book it.
  5. This is where I’m at. The league as a whole doesn’t give a poo, so why should I? I just want my team to WIN! The Cam years were so much fun because we won, and we always knew we had a chance. I’m just so so so tired of mediocrity. I’m not their boss, partner, friend, nothing. If they’re allowed to play, then fug it. I’m over having some kind of superiority trip. I just don’t care anymore.
  6. Goddamn dude, you act like he’s a convicted murder or something. Y’all need to calm down.
  7. Everybody acts so “holier than thou” and sanctimonious online. It’s the NFL, not a morality contest. Personally unless it’s something incredibly illegal and egregious I can look past it.
  8. Exactly. I look at it this way - if all the current, available coaches were put into a draft, who would garner a first round pick? Not too damn many, maybe 10? 12? But SP is definitely one of them. It’s a no-brainer.
  9. They got a first back from Miami in the Chubb trade.
  10. I would imagine there would be more than one legit QB who would fancy coming here to play for SP. Things here could get VERRRY interesting. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if he leaves that meeting with Tepper as our next HC. Tepper seems like the type of guy who will not leave NY without a deal if it’s something he really wants. And we all know money is not a factor at all. I could see a 5 year, 80 million dollar contract or even more.
  11. The real question here is what does Garry Cobb think about all of this?
  12. Yeah I kinda always thought Baker was lying about his height. Ive seen pics of him standing next to Kyler and they are pretty much the same height.
  13. Whats not true? Murray is listed as 5'10" 207. Bryce is listed at 6'0" 200ish. Baker is listed at 6'1", but its more like 6 feet and 1 half inch.
  14. Ehhhhhh, IDK about that. Kyler Murray went number 1 and hes smaller than Young. Baker went 1 and hes not a big guy either.
  15. We already pushed almost all our chips to the table to land Watson last off season. I think that shows which direction Teppers compass is pointing. Personally I don’t give a poo. I just want to win football games.
  16. Get Payton as our HC Sign Tom Brady to a 1 year deal Proceed to dominate the league and win a championship Who says no?
  17. Did we watch the same season? It was a lot of things, but boring is not one of them. This was one of the more exciting seasons in recent memory
  18. Elite is really stretching it. He was really good the second to last year, and middle of the pack his last year there.
  19. If they decide to move on for Lamar then we should move heaven and earth to sign him to a long term deal. 5 years 200 million. Let’s go.
  20. Albright on Twitter says he’s linked to Ben Johnson….not sure how, but that’s what he said.
  21. Would be totally fine with that. Dude is gonna be a star.
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