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Everything posted by joemac

  1. DTV offered single game options late in the season last year?
  2. I always bought it with just the interest in watching our games, but we always end up watching whatever the best games are that week.
  3. I believe they’re looking into the ala carte model in the next couple seasons. I would totally pay 10 bucks a week to watch the Panthers.
  4. I just switched to YouTube today from DTV. Only reason I had DTV was for Sunday Ticket to watch the Panthers in Texas. YT is about 40% of what DTV was. I almost bought the Ticket today when I signed up, but balked at paying almost 500 bucks in one pop. I’m glad I waited so now I can split it up.
  5. Seriously! I cannot believe how Hollywood has lied to me! The movie told me that Big Mike was an illiterate mongoloid who could barely tie his shoes. It was only the sheer brilliance of Sandy Bullock that he became the LT he was always meant to be. Remember, he took that career test and he scored very high on "protection skills".
  6. Now why would Sandy Bullock go and do something like that? She's America's sweetheart!
  7. Well TMJ leaving practice is certainly concerning. But I am not worried.
  8. Drawing any sort of reaction on the team when our starting QB only threw 6 passes is an exercise in retardedness.
  9. The only reason anybody would be "disappointed" in Bryce's 5 freaking pass attempts are those with 1. An agenda, or 2. Wildly unrealistic expectations for an extremely scaled back, vanilla gameplan for a rookie in his first ever NFL game action.
  10. LOL I am failing to see how Bryce had a "disappointing" first start. Dude played 3 series and threw 5 passes. He was 3-5. He threw 5 passes. Yeah, he didn't go out there and march us down the field for a TD in his very first NFL series, but he also did not look lost or like it was too big/fast for him.
  11. Come on man. The score was what, 3-0 when all our starters were playing? I was did look like poo but a lot of those guys will be unemployed in a month.
  12. Just from a starters perspective he might be right. We've got studs at all levels. Burns and Brown and even Houston up front. Shaq, Luvu and Jones at LB, Horn, Bell, Chinn, DJ in the secondary. Not many holes that I can find. However, like with every other year, there will be injuries so depth is uber important.
  13. So they're really making AR QB1 in Indy.....ohhhh weeeee mayne.
  14. He may not be JC, but he's definitely been touched by the Holy Ghost.
  15. Yep. Just from what I have seen so far you can tell that hes special. We have never had a QB on our team with the accuracy, touch and anticipation that hes showing. I truly think that Young has the potential to be a Rodgers/Brady/Manning type of player. Not saying he will win multiple championships or MVPs or anything, but he appears to be cut from a similar mold as a passer and thinker.
  16. Absolutely. And now hes having trouble beating out Kyle Trask in Tampa lol.
  17. 2 batted passes in 11 practices. not bad. Baker had like 6 in the first half of one game last year lmao
  18. Yup, exactly. Really happy that we have managed to make it all the way thru Training Camp with hardly any big injuries.
  19. Honestly I am a little concerned, but I am not worried.
  20. 600 a night for the goddamn Circus Circus?!? Oh hellllll no. You’d be better off staying in Utah and driving down for the game.
  21. Starting to get a little worried that we dont have what it takes to take it all the way to 11.
  22. But it was not in a game. We're talking about practice here. Practice! Not a game.....Practice!
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